“Morning” Sickness

I think my “morning” sickness is more like “all day” sickness.    I barfed for the first time today…and Israel missed it!  I was hoping he’d be there to see to the fullest extend how much I’m suffering.  heh heh heh…  Just because I know you want more details, I barfed up Gatorade lemonade…now I’ll never be able to drink lemonade again.  What a bummer.

I can’t eat anything!!  It’s so depressing.  If I eat, I feel like I’ll barf.  If I don’t eat, though, I feel like I’ll faint (and barf).  And the weird thing is that I get hungry, even though I feel like I will barf most of the time.  SMELLS.  I have like this super-natural sensitivity to smells.  I smell anything, and I feel like I want to barf.  Do we see a pattern here?  Yes, that is correct…BARF is the key word to how I’m doing.  I can’t stand the smell of laundry detergent (I loved it before!), my shampoo and conditioner give me extreme nausea, I can’t cook anything lest I feel like…yep, you got it, BARF…ing, and at times I can’t even stand the smell of my very own husband!  Now that is got to hurt his feelings.  Does it?  ~~waiting for response~~ 
He doesn’t want to answer that.  (It’s a sensitive topic.) 

Okay, well, if all who read this could just remember to say a quick prayer that this would pass…it’d be much appreciated.  Other than the above, life is going swell.  Okay, toodles… -jr  

9 thoughts on ““Morning” Sickness”

  1. ahhh!!!! i can’t believe israel tells me that judy’s pregnant over xanga… hahaCONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited for you!!!! do you know if it’s a boy or girl??it’s so funny b/c i’ve been meaning to get in touch with you guys for months and months nowand especially since i’ve seen like THREE guys that look just like Israel in the city hahahope you both are doing wellbe in touch!

  2. Yay!! Glad you got a xanga.  I’ve had so much fun with mine.  I don’ t know why….
    Sorry you’re feeling so…. um, pregnant?  Anyway, I’m sure this too will pass.  I’m praying for you!  BTW, if it weren’t for “surprises” I wouldn’t be here.  Which to me at least is significant. 
    Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  3. Oh, Judy….I’ve heard that morning sickness was pretty bad…I guess I hadn’t really realized how bad it could be. (Your comments were pretty enlightening. *laugh*) Just know that all of us women are sympathizing with you and hoping it passes quickly.  (I love and adore babies but yeah, the morning sickness part…I’ve always kinda dreaded.) If it’s of any comfort, once you have your adorable baby, you’ll forget about all the throwing up you did. =)  My prayers are with you!  Really hope it gets better.  btw, did I ever tell you that both of you guys are going to be great parents? You’re a teacher, so by default you’ll inevitably be a good one…and Israel…he’s always been good with babies and kids…so yeah, you’re both going to make great parents!=)  Take care both of you!!! And keep us posted!

  4. Judy,Just keep praising God that by the time you are back in the classroom, you’ll be an OLD PRO at morning sickness. Be kind to yourself and maybe take up knitting to distract yourself(?)By the way, one of my favorite words to say with the Boston accent is “barfing.” I love it when my co-workers talk about how they “got out the cah and just kept bahfin’ an’ bahfin’.” Comedy Gold.I am praying for you, barfy little babycarrier!

  5. Hey, we didn’t know you were pregnant!!! Congratulations. God bless you guys. I think it should be called either John or Rebeca…. hehe. Anyhow, talk to you later.

  6. Hey!!!  Hope you’re starting to feel better now.  The other groomsmen were Adam’s brother (Best man), Chuck Holtry, Manny Baek, Greg Neimeroski, and myself.
    See you soon!

  7. judy…let me break it to you……..you will barf until you can’t barf no more. your nausea will make you so sick, that you’ll be sicker than sick. =) it will drive you insane to a point you want to rip your stomach out.
    i’m telling you, my friend had the EXACT symptoms but had it for 6 months.
    but your baby will be the most adorable and someone said before, you’ll forget all the pain….
    cuz that baby will cause even more pains. hahahaa, j/k. think about how much heart-ache we give our parents…. yep yep yep….:) thanks for your email, will write back soon!
    luv sandra and hyun

  8. hey ma! hey pa! i died when i got your ecard about the baby! yikes! wish you the best! can’t wait to see judy with a big tummy!!! mwahahah! ;Op hk

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