B-Day Thanks!

Thanks for all of the “happy birthday”(s)!  I had a great day yesterday.  I think the biggest surprise, apart from the “Israel-behind-the-door-surprise”, was that Jen drove all the way from Berrien Springs to come see me!  She even brought over Sam’s chick’n…YUM (although, I didn’t feel too “YUM” after eating so much for dinner)!  Thanks to all of you who remembered me and/or came out to spend time with me…especially my lil bro who had to take an Orgo exam right after we ate dinner!  It was a long, but fun evening chilling with you guys.  I feel so blessed to have such great friends like all of you.  It is my prayer that we will be faithful to Jesus always!  He is coming soon.         

4 thoughts on “B-Day Thanks!”

  1. o… happy birth day!!! I hope you still remember me, it was nice to get to know you more this summer… yah, congrads on the baby… that’s so cool you’re having a BOY!!! He’ll be so cute, right??? Well take care of your self and tell Israel hi…

  2. hahahahaha, i just read all your posts from the past few days. hilarious. pple here use that word a lot. for everything. its hilarious. yep, i caught on real quick.
    yo izzy, GREAT way of poppin’ out your son earlier by scaring pudy. LOL. you go.
    hey, pudy, u gonna go to susan nam’s wedding next month?

  3. Happy Belated, my little Judy Muffin. I too hope we can all remain in the good faith that is Jesus Christ! Birthdays are wonderful times to gather up these kinds of thoughts on our blessings, among them wonderful friends…I just thought of something — Expectant mothers celebrate 2 birthdays of which they are an actual part in one year. That’s just profound!

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