Fall GYC BOD 2005

We had a GYC Board of Directors meeting this weekend.  It was good
to see all these people whom I respect and admire so much.

A powerful thought was shared during one of the sermons presented.

Humans are so selfish.  We even tend to be selfish in the way we
approach salvation.  Don’t get me wrong, we should love salvation,
cherish it.  Saying that “it’s the best thing in the world” is an
understatement.  But at times, we love ourselves more than we love

Think of this:

Moses and Paul were willing to give up their salvation for the people
they were ministering to.  That’s how much they loved
others!  That’s almost a powerful thought!  But it’s too hard
for us to fully comprehend.

Try this:

Jesus was not only willing to give up His salvation–He DID.

He, of course didn’t need saving.  But Christ is SO unselfish that
He–in reality–gave up His eternal life.  The constant thought
running through His mind, perhaps from Gethsemane to Calvary, was that
there was no human way He would survive the death of sin resting on his
shoulders.  It was too great, too offensive.  Faith surpasses
reality. And faith was the only thing that allowed the thought of a
resurrection being possible.

And He decided to die anyway—eternally!

That is unselfishness.  And I am not synonymous with that!

Too often, we just care about our salvation.  Maybe it’s time that
we start caring about the salvation of others.  Maybe that is what
true religion is all about.  Maybe our salvation remains most
secured in seeking to secure the salvation of others.

8 thoughts on “Fall GYC BOD 2005”

  1. Judy/Israel (I’m not sure which of you wrote this; although, I’m guessing it was Judy b/c I got an email from her today around the same time this was posted. anyway…), That sermon was powerful, huh? I really like the last sentence, “Maybe our salvation remains most secured in seeking to secure the salvation of others.” I think you’re right. 🙂

  2. I’m in class right now, paying attention, of course.  I remembered that yesterday, as I was trying to write you guys a comment, my computer kept breaking down.  Sigh.  Daisy’s coming to her end soon, mayhaps. 
    Sounds like a powerful sermon.  Truly, I believe that as we focus less on ourselves, and more on Christ, true revivals could make true and lasting impacts.  As we decrease, He increases.  And as He increases, so does the love and concern for souls…  may we always have that hunger for doing God’s will.
    Computer will die soon.  Need batteries.  What are you doing this weekend?

  3. oh man.  I need to wake up a little bit.  I totally didn’t think about the fact that I have a test on Monday.  See, my classes on Tuesday were cancelled, so I figured I could go over, and do some massive observations and chill with you guys for a few days.  Missing my Monday class isn’t a big deal and the bulk of my work I can do from any computer hooked up to the internet…  but missing a class that has an exam in it prob. wouldn’t be smart, huh.  although, that never stopped me…  =P 

  4. I’m just a stranger blessed by this post and I can’t resist to comment! I always thought that your salvation is the one thing you can be selfish about…mercy, I even preached that false gospel to some…but self truly must decrease so that He may increase, even when it comes to seeking our own salvation. Thank you for the enlightenment.

  5. ~random props…  a willing heart, God can work with.  a willingness to give up own salvation for others.. it’s unfathomable, yet true and needed… kind of reminds me of the moms in this world.  Thanks for sharing.

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