Going Premium…

We’ve finally given in and we have now upgraded to Premium.  We hope to put up pictures soon with “my” camera that Israel got me for my birthday last year.  I say “my” in quotations because he begged me to let him buy me a digital Rebel.  (For those who haven’t caught on…HE wanted the camera and used my birthday as an excuse to buy it so he could use it!)  I’m not bitter though.    Anyhow, we haven’t used it much because we lost our battery charger for several months…but Daniel & Kerri so graciously let us charge our battery with their charger so, now we can use our camera!  Hopefully the upgrade will inspire us to take more pictures with Israel’s — I mean — MY camera. 

On being pregnant…I’ve been getting random calf cramps in my legs when I stretch in the morning.  Just one of those pregnancy symptoms that seem to have no apparent correlation to growing a baby!  Anyhow, I weighed myself this morning and I have succcessfully gained 10 lbs since pre-pregnancy!  I think that’s pretty normal weight gain for a first time mother.  Usually first time moms take longer to get big.  I am in my 23rd week, which means I’ve entered into the 6th month.  The baby is moving around so much.  The movements are getting stronger that Israel was able to feel the baby move the other morning.  Maybe Israel can give you guys more commentary on that experience.  The baby is still small so the bigger movements that we feel are when the baby actually does somersaults.  Feels like a fish squirming around my bladder. 

On baby room preparation…a big THANK YOU to John Yoon and my bro, Justin for finishing up painting the baby’s room.  It is a color called “soothing aloe”.  It looks really nice.  We didn’t get a chance to put the room back in order last night, but it will be nice to finally have that room available to use.  Israel and I started painting it maybe like 3 months ago and we haven’t used the room since then!  Now, for all of our over-night guests (like Jeannie & Jen this weekend!!) you’ll be able to sleep in a bedroom and not on the office floor…at least until the baby comes!

14 thoughts on “Going Premium…”

  1. Judy and Israel,
    On turning 6 months…
    I used to think it was amusing when h.s. friends would celebrate their 6 Month Anniversary with significant others.  Let’s be honest, it was all excuse to go have a romantic dinner for two at the Olive Garden.
    But 6 months seems like a truly significant milestone for you both.  You are way past the halfway mark and your baby is doing acrobatics, for cyring out loud!  Bust out the fancy pop in a bottle and throw yaselves a pahty!!! 

  2. Feeling the baby was a cool experience; Jeannie, I’m trying to clean up the rooms so that we’ll be ready for you when you come…I’m even going to mow the lawn today if I get home before dark; Kendra, good idea, I’ll take your adivce on that one :); guys, I’ve lost 7 lbs in the last two weeks (1/2 lb/day) in preparation for the baby…I’m gonna be a fit father :)…look kinda buff like David Shin.Anyhow, I’ll try to post pics up soon, Judy 🙂 — from YOUR camera.

  3. hey you two!i think i’m still coming to terms with the fact that israel is going to be a DAD. how did this all happen??? lol. i’m so happy for the both of you and it sounds like things are going well. i’m always thankful when friends’ pregnancies are going well and uneventful (‘cuz i work in the nicu). hey! i can (somewhat) visualize what your 23 wk/old baby looks like. his/her arm’s diameter is probably about the size of your finger! judy, you’re going to be a great mom and i’m sure israel will do his best to help.=) seriously, though. i think you guys will have a great little (or big…) family.=) CONGRATS again. (can’t wait to see who your little one is going to look like!)

  4. I felt the baby wiggle too! man, I already miss you guys and the zoo. at the school now trying to find decent articles I can use to whip together a 12 page paper… whoo hoo!! You guys are always a blessing to stay with.

  5. Okay, now I have to share my experience, too. I felt the gymnast baby doing somersaults. Very cool! I can’t wait until he starts kicking you, Judy. (But I’m sure you can wait.)    😉

  6. thanks for the job offer. I’ll think about it. And no, things are still swamped. More and more I’m finding about things that are due in the next few weeks. Worry? Me? Pah. Hope you guys are well. I wanted to show you guys something. It’s here Hope I did the html right. Made me laugh!

  7. pudy and izzy ~ you guys def. going to be around thanksgiving? sabbath at DKAY too??? PUH-LEAZE???? and i’m not goin’ to GYC either = ( plane tix and reg. too expensive, but i will go next year and even help out!!!

  8. Hey, you two!  Can hardly wait to see your pictures with Israel’s…er…Judy’s camera. :O) Take lots of pictures.
    Israel, you should read that article I sent you on the reinstitution of the death penalty.  It’s so profound.  Once you read the first paragraph, you won’t be able to put it down.  Absolutely jarring.  Please read it soon because I want to discuss it with you.  I also need you to watch the documentary called, “Murder on a Sunday Morning.”  I need an Adventist perspective on these things, and I want to talk with you because I appreciate how your mind works.
    What did you think about that California v. Ramos case that I sent you? :O) Did you ever find the theoretical Washington v. Oliver case that you said was lurking around out there?

  9. Hey you guys! Congratulations! I know, I know, I’m a little late on the scene… by what.. 6 months? :S Anyway, congrats nonetheless. Looking forward to seeing some pix. God bless.

  10. Hi Judy!!! Yeah, it’s been a while, huh? Things are still crazy in my neck of the woods. Best wishes on your baby, and keep us posted. I’m gonna be checking up on you lots here.

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