I’m still waiting for my wonderful husband to put up some pictures since, after all, we’ve upgraded to premium. However, this unit in my Bible class, I’m teaching my students about patience, so I should try to be more patient about this one. Israel downloaded close to a hundred pictures onto his computer from our camera, so hopefully he’ll put some good ones up soon.
Last weekend, Sandra, Hyun, and Charles came to visit from NJ and that was a lot of fun. We had our annual DKAY brunch grill-out. It was nice to hang out with all of them. It’d been a while. I wish we would have taken more pictures! Sandra and Hyun also gave us our Christmas presents early…a bunch of baby stuff!! It’s been really exciting to get so many presents for the baby. It helps make the experience more real…for me at least.
This Christmas is my dad’s 60th birthday. We kids are trying to come up with something special to do for him. Any suggestions? My sis suggested a cruise and we’re researching that one. We’re thinking about sending my parents to the West Caribbean. Hopefully something nice works out.
The baby is kicking like crazy. Especially in the morning! He has such a definite sleep/wake cycle that even if I sleep in for even 10 minutes, he starts wiggling in utero and he moves so much against my bladder that he forces me to get up and use the bathroom. Of course after I get up, he stops moving and is calm again. He probably goes to sleep after that. I can see how selfish babies are already! It’s been a lot of fun though. The kicking and moving isn’t uncomfortable…yet. It’s actually very reassuring to me that he’s still alive and active.
Well, I think that’s all for now. I need to get going because a police man is about to come and talk to my kids about safety…and I can hear that the kids are now done with P.E. God has been so good to us and I’m so thankful for the many ways that He watches over us. There is really nothing to complain about. I hope all of you are doing well. Let’s remain faithful to Him always!
Four hours of driving in hazardous conditions, and not even an honorable mention for the Berrien-ites, huh. Well, Judy, it was nice to see you, too. =) We were thinking of a cruise/vacation for my dad too on his 60th. But we gave him cash instead and he got himself a really nice electric keyboard (which he never uses.) But he’s happy. Glad the baby feels healthy! God bless!