My Students’ Journal Entries on Pregnancy

“I think it’s exciting that Mrs. Ramos is having a baby.  Because for one reason, it’s a boy, and also because it’s my teacher’s baby….I think being pregnant feels like an alien just growing and growing inside of you.  I think it is awesome Mrs. Ramos is having a baby.”     -Justin, 5th Grade

On Mrs. Ramos being pregnant…”I think Mrs. Ramos gained 5 lbs.  I think the baby will be half Spanish, Korean, and English.” 

On ever becoming pregnant…”I think ‘no no never never uh uh uh no way’, but at the same time you can do whatever you want with it.”  -Hillary, 4th grade

Quotes are used with permission.


4 thoughts on “My Students’ Journal Entries on Pregnancy”

  1. “I’m excited that Mrs. Ramos will be having a baby soon. Hopefully that’ll mean more pictures on her xanga page. Gotta make good use of the Premium.” -Julian, 23rd Grade

  2. Quotes were used with permission? Of who, the kids or their parents? Just kidding… they’re cute commentaries. Just wait until the baby comes. Then the quotes could get even cuter!

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