Going Opposite!

No one would believe how much weight I’ve gained.  I’m beginning to scare myself!  At first I thought it was the scale at the hospital…but that’s no longer an excuse…DOH!  It doesn’t help that Israel has been losing weight like crazy.  You know how husbands are supposedly supposed to gain weight with the pregnant wife?  Well, Israel got so sick from the motherland because he ate unclean food.  Well, so did Pastor Justin Kim.  They both ate unclean bottom-dwellers of the sea!  They have been defiled!!  I should add that it wasn’t on purpose of course.  Israel ended up with some stupendous stomach flu and he was vomitting non-stop.  As a result, he lost a bunch of weight which closes the gap between his weight and my weight and it is getting embarrassingly close!  What am I to do?!  What a stab at my pride.  So yeah, the purpose of this entry is so that you don’t ask me how much weight I’ve gained.    If, after the baby arrives, I jump back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, I may feel more secure with myself to let you in that info…

Okay, well, I need to take the kids out to recess now.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I’m really excited about the DKAY baby shower that will be tomorrow.  Hope there’s a lot of food!!  — NOT that I’m going to eat a lot of food…because I’m watching my carb intake…

7 thoughts on “Going Opposite!”

  1. Judy, Judy….You know, you have the best excuse ever for significant weight-gain.And don’t worry too much…you’ll make Baby Ramos anxious. ;)Enjoy the food tomorrow!

  2. *laugh*Weight gain is so completely natural so you shouldn’t concern yourself in the least bit.The great thing is you’ll lose it all in no time once your beautiful child appears. =) He’s almost here. WOW! Oooh…sorry to hear that Israel and Justin got sick…yikes…never know what goes into the food sometimes, huh? They do need to cleanse themselves now that they have been defiled…although I imagine throwing up purged them pretty thoroughly. @.@Have fun at the DKAY baby shower!! =)

  3. heya judy – i didn’t know you were on xanga too! >.<  anyways, thanks for stopping by and best wishes with the pregnancy, hopefully we can all come out and visit you guys once your bundle of joy arrives 🙂

  4. Al, this is Iz…you’ll be surprised how much having a baby in you changes people. Dedicate some time to research that one out…you’ll graduate with (more) honors :)(Judy, your weight is fine)

  5. Judy,  this is jenny an.   I hope you’re doing lovely.  Congratulations – a little late but I couldn’t be happier for you.

  6. judy judy judy…congrats and yeah you’re getting chunky…BUT…you’re supposed to be that way… actually it’s not you per se…it’s more the baby…and you don’t want a little, tiny, waifish, non-athletic, midget (like justin) baby right??  the baby’s gotta be healthy, athletic, and strong so he/she can at least try to be as good at sports and active as you….  so eat away…let the baby get what he/she needs…and like your friend says…let this be your time to enjoy WHATEVER it is that you want…as long as it’s healthy for the baby as well…haha…congrats again to you and israel.  can’t wait to see the little tyke…

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