I Think It’s Coming…

Jen came to spend the long weekend with us.  Along with Jen came a bunch of junk food, unwanted snacks inbetween meals, pizzas AFTER “dinner”…and the list goes on.  And, I believe she even read the last xanga entry!  THANKS, JEN! 

Anyhow, I’m not sure if that’s what did it, but last night, I started getting some contractions.  They most likely are “fake” contractions called Braxton-Hicks.  Basically it’s like your body doing practice contractions before the real ones come.  They’re pretty crazy because your uterus just tightens up and your stomach literally feels like a basketball.  It gets SUPER hard and you’re not tensing at all.  I’ve been getting them on and off throughout the evening and even some today.  They haven’t been at regular intervals, nor do they hurt…but it makes me a little nervous.  Within the past couple days, I’ve also had major muscle soreness in my legs…particularly in my thighs.  I don’t know if it’s from my weight gain, my sleeping position, or if I accidentally pulled something.  My bones in my hip area are starting to get noticeably loose as well.  It’s a very weird feeling…like my body is preparing itself for the big day.  The baby is dropping gradually.  There is pressure build up down there and at times it feels like I have to go #2, but I really don’t.  They say that’s the baby’s head pushing down there.  I’m doing weekly trips to see the doctor now and they are going well.  The baby is in the right position and everything is normal.  I just have to wait.  I’m trying to be more in-tune with my body since I generally am not at all. 

On a different note, this is my last week teaching until I am home-free!!  (until April that is…)  Our spring break is next week and then I have a long term-sub who will come in for the month of March.  I’m hoping that they baby will come right around Sunday evening or Monday (Feb 26-27) so I can have spring break to recoup in addition to the 4 weeks of paid-leave for the month of March.  I intend to finish off the school year in the months of April and May.  We’ll see what happens though.  Israel leaves for Australia tonight and so we’ve definitely been praying that the baby will hold off at least until Sunday, which is when Israel gets back.  But God’s will be done.  I’m sure God will work things out for the best.   

Thank you all for your prayers, love, and the many gifts that we’ve received the past several months.  I can’t believe the baby will be here so soon!  I mean, the baby WILL be born within the next couple weeks…YIKES!  Israel and I are getting more and more anxious for his arrival.  We’re waiting to see exactly how our entire lives will change.  🙂          

7 thoughts on “I Think It’s Coming…”

  1. I’ll take credit for the cookies and snacks, but I recall someone trying to barter off those Godiva chocolates… who was that again? Oh yeah, that was YOU. =) Har har… back to Starvation in Berrien-Land for me. I’m glad I can eat like I’m not living in Somalia when I’m with you guys. Not that I starve myself here, as you can probably see… And no heavy lifting, ok? Maybe no lifting AT ALL until Israel gets back.

  2. This is all so exciting, Judy. I’m glad to have an older friend to learn these hard things from (not that I’m pregnant or even close to it).  :)Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys on Sabbath and Sunday. I always enjoy myself when I’m with you guys and I never want to leave. I was actually super duper tired at work on Monday. I always forget how tired I’ll be the next day when I stay up that late.Keep us updated on your condition, kay? Read my latest entry. It’s about you. 🙂

  3. oh i remember those braxton-hicks…..the pain you are feeling is probably round ligament pain…i’m sure it’s torture switching positions in bed….just when i thought i could possibly do this again sometime soon……i remember—thanks for the birth control…   the week before i went into labor i started having two or three contractions a day—you’ll know what they are when they hit—i can’t describe them…all i know is that they were nothing like i expected…i felt it more in my lower back–that’s why israel needs to be there so he can rub your back…strange as this might sound when you are in labor for reals….try doing lunges…it helps relieve the pressure…and i’m sure everyone has told you this…walk, walk, walk, walk, walk…….did you lose your mucus plug yet
    don’t worry about the weight especially if you plan on breastfeeding—i think i gained like 35-40lbs and 4 months later i’m only 10lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight….things are definately looser and well marked but it’s worth it and my husband loves my post-pregnancy body better anyways

  4. Incredible!!!!  I’m so excited for you!  I know it will be such a blessing–you are definitly in my prayers–especially for the baby coming at a time when you can have more time off.  What a blessing it’s coming right around Spring Break–the Lord is so good and faithful to us!

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