Imanuel Alexander

I know that everyone has been waiting for the details.

Imanuel Alexander Ramos was born on March 4, 2006 at 10:18 p.m.

He weighed 7lbs 3ozs and was 21.75 inches long.

Labor was a bit complicated, but we appreciate the prayers of those who thought of us during the whole experience.

Judy went into early labor at about 1 p.m. on Friday–she was already 3cms dilated.  The doctor stripped her membranes to quicken the process.  She thought that she’d be able to see Judy on Saturday since the Dr. was on call that day. 

At 6 that evening, she started getting noticeable contractions in more frequent intervals and by 10:30 that night the contractions got pretty hard.  Not too long after that, we decided to head to the hospital.  We arrived at around midnight.

When we arrived, Judy had dilated to 6cms and had been in active labor a while.  We checked into our room and tried to get ready for what was ahead.  The contractions got harder and harder.  At around 5 a.m., I asked Judy to get an epidural.  I could tell that the contractions were getting unbearable.  I was able to convince her (she was wanting to go pain medication-free).  We realized later on that Judy had stayed dilated at 6cms for more than 5 hrs and still had a way to go. 

After the medication, Judy felt a little better.  At around 2 or 3 p.m. the baby’s heart stopped beating for 5 minutes, almost causing Judy to have an emergency C-Section.  The physicians and nurses had asked to assume various positions, causing the epidural to fail to work on Judy’s right side.  All the movement apparently caused the baby to fall into a position that weakened and stopped his heartbeat.  While in the OR, the baby’s heart started to work again.  We stayed in the OR for a while until Judy’s and the baby’s condition became stable. 

Just when we thought our complications were over, we realized that Judy had been dilated at 8cms for a long time and was not making progress as much as she should have been (I think women are supposed to dilated about a cm an hr.).  It wasn’t until 6 pm on Saturday evening that Judy had dilated to 10cms and was able to start pushing.  At that point, we called her parents to let them know that in no later than 3 hrs (we thought it’d take that long), Baby Ramos would be born.

After pushing for about 3 hours and not having a baby, the doctors decided that we would need a C-Section.  For some reason, the baby, being under so much stress, did not have the energy to help while Judy was pushing.  His heart rate at that time was going faster and faster.

We prepared ourselves for the operation.  As I was getting dressed with the scrubs, Judy was getting prepared by the doctors.  After about 15 minutes or so, the nurse came out and mentioned that I wouldn’t be able to go into the OR.  The epidural wasn’t working well on Judy (her right side) even though it was given to her in its fullest strength.  The doctors put her under general anesthesia for the operation.  The good news?  At 10:18, the kid was born.  To add to that, the Lakers beat the Pistons that evening and I was able to watch it while Judy came up out of her sleep.

Things are going well now.  We got in yesterday and are trying to catch up on rest.  We thank everyone for their prayers and ask that you continue to keep us in your thoughts.  We also want to thank everyone for bringing the baby and Judy gifts and flowers. 

As Judy continues to recover, we ask our eager visitors to hold off visitations for a while.  Judy needs time to recover properly and we all need time to get used to our newest addition to the family.  Thank you for understanding.

P.S. If anyone wants an birth announcement, please give us an address to send it to

12 thoughts on “Imanuel Alexander”

  1. Praise God… you guys are still in my prayers. ..and as an “eager visitor,” I have been holding off. But it won’t be for long. =) Let me know if you guys need/want anything.

  2. Praise God!!! That’s labor sounding pretty complicated, sorry Judy you had to go through so much, I will definately keep you in my prayers and the rest of the family. How is Imanuel doing??? Congradulations and we’d love to see some pictures here at OH!!!

  3. israel i cant believe you watched the laker/piston game after such an ordeal!!praise God reallywhat a miracle yeah?i’m continually praying for you guysi’m so excited to meet imanuel!any nicknames yet?  little alejandro? for some reaon i keep wanting to call him that :)send judy my lovei txted you guys cause i didnt want to disturb the recoveryhope to be able to see you guys sooner than laterGod bless!!!

  4. Congratulations (officially)! I hope Judy is able to recover quickly and that the adjustment time for all of you is short.
    Like Jen, I’m also an eager visitor (especially since I’m so close). But I will hold off. Can you tell us when it’s okay???
    Yeah, I’d like a birth announcement. 🙂 I think you have my address, but I will email it to you anyway.

  5. Congratulations… poor Judy and baby… sounds very complicated, but I’m sure it’s been worth it. Give them my love and greetings. I think I weighed a little more than him but was 21 inches. He’s gonna be a big boy. I’m praying for you guys. Please post some family pictures when you have time!

  6. !!!Felicitaciones, Ramos Familia!!!  John and I are so thrilled for your family.  I think that if you can make it through this v. prolonged and dramatic birth, clearly you can do anything with the help and divine patience of the Lord!!  I really don’t think I can do it, though…I must figure out a way to projectile any future Lee members out with a slingshot or some such thing. I can barely push myself to get out of bed in the morning.  How would I push someone out of my chute?  Oh, and what does it mean to have one’s membranes stripped?  I. Am. So. Scurred.
    Anyway, congrats you fine folkien.  Praying for you both in the recovery and welcoming of your wee and precious Manny!!!!

  7. Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!   Wow!!!!!!!!!!!  Sounds EXHAUSTING!!!!!  So glad little Imanuel is doing good.  (Hmmm… are you thinking of calling him Manny?)  Been praying for you all a lot this weekend.  Guess I see why.

  8. I hope your recovery is going well Judy – sounds like an exhausting ordeal – glad everyone is ok. Congratulations!! I guess you are offically parents 😉 Little “Manny” is soo cute!

  9. yikes! my heart was beating faster and faster and my hands are all sweaty from reading this post. hehe! praying for you guys… hk

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