Photo Journal — Through the Pregnancy of Judy Ramos

Judy throwing down “soydream” during her last trimester — the nasty taste in her mouth had just gone away 🙂


Home potluck at Stephanie’s house … John Yoon is confused about picture taking (far left) and Justin is thinking about how good his smoothies taste (far right)


This is to make up for all the times I didn’t post up pictures of Judy’s pregnancy.  I don’t know how much she likes this shot, so don’t tell her we put it up 🙂


Snow in November…right by Thanksgiving day.  We tried to get a picture with all the animals but it was too hard.  Aroe is in the back trying to run away forever…but we caught him.


Speaking about Family Pictures with animals…here’s a better one…Chance is in the basement — he seems to like it down there more now.


Jacob (our nephew) loves CEC.  We’re hanging with him two days before the delivery.  My bro and his wife Evelyn hung out with us for a month or so to help out.


The night of the start of the delivery…Friday


We arrive at the hospital…this is our first of like 12 nurses.  We don’t know her name though…I think it was Jennifer.  I took no more pictures until the baby was born.


(Every professional photographer takes a picture kinda out of focus…it’s one of the latest fads)


Here’s our baby!


He’s trying to go to sleep, but people keep on taking pictures


He has a lot of hair.


Two of Judy’s best friends welcome her into the “Mommy Club”.  They are all teachers that taught at Ann Arbor Adventist Elm and will now be upgrading to Tupperware Parties twice a year (after Judy quits her job).  Julie Klein and Justina are next to Judy and Imanuel and Kerri Mendez and Juan ISRAEL Mendez are on the far right.


This is Judy and the baby right when they met.  Judy’s still getting over the medication they gave her for the operation.


I’m teaching the baby how to sleep.

Our first family picture taken by Daniel Mendez (family photographer).


Ending with pcitures of the baby…I think you all have seen enough (don’t want to be like those new camera happy parents that everyone talks about behind their backs)

24 thoughts on “Photo Journal — Through the Pregnancy of Judy Ramos”

  1. You’ve just posted these and I have already ogled over little Manny at least eleventeen times. Enough with these images of your little cherub.  Must stop myself from wanting to hug computer screen.  Congrats, you guys.  These are such wonderful moments. 

  2. Israel, your pictures are great!!  Congratulations to you and Judy!  I’m an old family friend of Judy’s and I’m so happy for you guys and your families!!
    Imanuel is adorable!

  3. CUTTIE!!! thanks for spending time and posting pix… good to finally see your Blessing!!! Emanuel is such a doll… we all ooh’ed and ah’ed over the baby pictures… God’s blessings as you begin to raise him for God’s Glory!!!

  4. Wow, the baby is beautiful, and he’s blessed to have parent like yourselves, I remember you guys taking care of me while I was in Umich! great pictures!

  5. BEAUTIFUL!Imanuel Alexander is absolutely precious!I think he has Israel’s chin and nose.Judy, I think he has your mouth.But maybe it’s too early to say. *smile*Korean and Hispanic, what a neat combination!Can’t wait to see more pictures as he grows.Blessings to both of you as you open up this new chapter of life: parenthood!

  6. Wow!  Congratulations Israel and Judy!!  Angie and I will have to come out and visit soon so we can meet Imanuel Alexander ^_^

  7. So adorable! Congratulations to you both! What a precious gift from God…I’m sure your life is very different now, but so rewarding! Lots of love to all of you!

  8. i missed an opportunity to see him today! pooey… congrats to you both =] can’t wait to see him grow… hehe…. hope judy recovers soon! i miss you judy =D

  9. congrats! judy, hope you are recovering well….i want to visit when things settle down for you two…i mean three. ;OD God bless! hk

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