The First Week

Hi everyone, it’s me.  I wanted to thank you all for your prayers and support!  I feel the love!  I’m recovering quite well.  The pain killers are so deceptive.  I am supposed to be at home resting and not doing any activity for 3 weeks.  Well, let’s just say that after going through labor, my standard of pain has dramatically changed.  I feel fine!  Israel and my in-laws are constantly yelling at me because I give in to the temptation of cleaning the house and doing chores when I should be in bed with my feet up.  My whole body was so incredibly swollen because I retained so much fluid from the IV.  After the C-section, we came home 3 days later and when I weighed myself then, I was the same weight as before I gave birth!!  That gives you an idea of how swollen and bloated I was.  Slowly the fluid and gas are exiting my system and I’m beginning to lose some weight.  So anyway, my point is that I’m really trying to rest so that I give my body the chance to recover completely. 

The entire delivery process was a big scare for me.  I did a lot of praying and pleading and asking God to give me strength to accept His will for me and for the baby.  I really thought the baby wouldn’t survive and it was a very scary experience…but God remains good!  I never thought I would love being a mom this much.

The first week was a blast for me.  The drugs were doing their magic, Imanuel changed so much in just 7 short days, and no kidding, it was literally a joy for me to wake up every 3-4 hours or so to feed and change the baby.  We’re in the process of getting the baby on a schedule and he’s getting some good sleep stretches during the night so that has been a blessing.  I love waking up and having family worship with the three of us.  It is so wonderful to be able to depend completely on God to help us raise this child.  It gives me such assurance that with God with us, we cannot fail. 

Well, I could go on forever about how amazing it is that we love our baby so much even though we just met him a few days ago.  He has really turned our world upside down.  We ask for your continued prayers and love as we attempt to raise one of God’s children despite our sinfulness and weaknesses.  It is our prayer that Imanuel will learn to grow into God’s image rather than our own.   

Now here are some pics that hopefully you will enjoy.

The first picture of the baby with his eyes open

The Ramos Guys with their pet Bentley

The Ramos Girls needing Ramos Guys to look good in pictures

IA saying “Nooooo” after finding out he needs to take a bath…check out his stomach [His umbilical cord hasn’t fallen off yet (as you can see)]

By night, IA is a superhero (Thanks John and Kendra for the “Ramosito” towel…I mean outfit)

Jacob and Judy K. sitting in Jacob’s box.  Jacob promises that he’ll get a car soon so that she’ll be more comfortable

I don’t know what to write for this caption…make something up for us.

IA is also a ninja…a Christian one.

That’s all for now!  Israel was responsible for the captions, if you haven’t guessed yet.  Take care and God bless!

17 thoughts on “The First Week”

  1. I am in love with your baby, and it has only been 2 xanga posts since I met him.  John loves him, too.  Especially all nestled in his froggy outfittings.  Oh, wee little Manny Ramosito.  How we love thee.
    I was reminded of a parallel in what you, Judy, wrote about not minding so much getting up every few hours to feed the bambino.  Remember how you would wake up as often during pregnancy?  How annoying that was?!?  And tiring and painful and frustrating?  Well, I think that God was just training you…so that the wake-up calls would soon be something you could actually…enjoy(?).  Praying for your fandamily….

  2. i’m so giddy for you!i’m so glad you’re recuperating well judy!he looks like both of you!!! little mini-yous! it’s great!can’t wait to meet himkeep up the photojournaling so we can see him grow too :)God bless!

  3. Praise God for the birth of a beautiful baby boy!! I’m so glad that you were able to pull through with the delivery despite the complications and I’ll continue to pray for you and the health of the newest addition to your family!

  4. The baby is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!^___^ I’m glad everything worked out & you had a healthy baby~I was at Downers Grove (I think it’s spelled like this..) church in Illinois two weeks ago, and I met Johnny Suarez’s sister (I forgot her name…)!She was really excited about the baby too~ and she asked me to say Hello to Ramos family!!!! ^____^ So many people are praying for your family!!!!!May God bless your family~by the way, this is Jessica Jun =)

  5. Ok…So I am really late in my congratulations…(been away for spring break when everything obviously happened and wasn’t near internet enough to congratulate you sooner)So here it is…YOU GUYS HAVE SUCH A CUUUUUUTTTIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE….oh wow…=)No, for real…he’s beautiful…beautiful!And I can only imagine the pride you two must feel as parents.Judy, praise the Lord for seeing you through your difficult labor…it definitely was all those prayers.Your lives are changed forever…I’m so excited for the both of you!God’s got great plans for your little boy…=) Raise him in the fear and admonition of the Lord.God bless both of you! ^^

  6. Hey guys! Nice looking kid.  I can’t tell yet if he looks more Korean or Mexican.  It will be interesting to see the characteristics he takes from both of you as he gets older.  Judy, hats off to you for that unbelievable labor.  I was getting nervous just reading it.  Thank God guys don’t have to go through that.  Carol Burnett says that labor pains feel like taking your bottom lip and yanking it over the top of your head.  Anyway, see you in April.   

  7. JUDY!!!  Oh, Lord, have mercy, cousin MehJoo!!  I can’t believe you’re a mommy!  What is this world coming to?!?  Signs of the times…. -haha! 😀
    I’m SO happy for you!  I wish to welcome your 1st child and my 3rd nephew into this world.  Do remind him of uncle Pooch every now and then in case I’m stuck in the Mudderland for a while.  I hope not…  Anyhoo, I’m glad to see that all is well with you and Israel… and the baby!  Keep in touch and lemme know how you’re doing.  Greetings from the Nams in Seoul!  🙂  luv ya.  -Jooch

  8. Good stuff! I would say that picture without a caption as the “God-baby” “where’s my milk? it’s nothing personal, just business.”Blessings to you guys!

  9. whoa!! i didn’t know u guys had updated!the baby is adorable as u’ve heard for the 1000th time 🙂 i’m glad u r doing well Judy. =) but take care of urself. it’s ok not to clean the house. ;0)i can’t wait to meet IA. when am i gonna get to see our christian ninja?!

  10. Congratulations. Glad all went well in the end. Christian Ninja – i think that one might stick. Now you can add family man to your list of titles – enjoy the nights ahead

  11. Wow, Praise the Lord for the miracle of birth! Your baby looks wonderful and I know that God couldn’t have given IA (nice touch Israel) better parents. I wish I were there to pour more love on your guys but know that I’m praying for you no matter where I am.  And for some commentary on the pictures, the baby definately looks like Israel in the first pic (at least the funny face he’s making)..

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