He Looks a Little Yellow

The day after Imanuel Alexander was born, he had to do the Newborn
Screening Tests.  Basically, they had to poke his heel and they
drew enough blood to test for about 7 rare birth defects.  They
also drew blood to check his bilirubin levels to see if he was
jaundice.  About 60% of all newborns are jaundice but only for the
first few days.  Imanunel had border-line bilirubin levels so they
gave us what they call a bili-blanket which is artificial UV light to
help lower the levels.  The next few days, the baby continued to
look a bit yellow and so even after we were discharged from the
hospital, the very next day, we had to take the baby into our
pediatrician to get his heel poked again to draw blood to check his
levels.  The levels were still on the high side, so a couple days
later, we had to go in AGAIN and he had to get his heel poked. 
The baby was so traumatized from the pokes because not only do they
poke with a needle that looks like a flat screwdriver, they SQUEEZE and
SQUEEZE their poor little foot until they fill a tube with blood. 
Anyhow, at our last visit to the pediatrician (our third one already!),
which was this past week, the doc told us that his levels were
normalized and the baby didn’t look yellowish at all anymore.  My
parents weren’t at all nervous or worried.  They say that most
Asian babies are born like that and me and all of my siblings were born
jaundice, but with physiological jaundice, which is the kind that goes
away a few days after birth.  So anyway, here are some pictures of
the baby with the bili-blanket in the hospital and afterwards.

Me and baby (on the bili-blanket…but you can’t see it very well).

Here’s a better look.  His skin had to be directly on bili-blanket
during a lot of our stay at the hospital.  He didn’t like it very
much, and because Israel HAD to sleep with the baby every night we were
in the hospital and the gray cord didn’t stretch that far, Israel made
the executive family decision that the baby didn’t need the stupid
bili-blanket anyway.  (When he was with me, I made sure he was
laying on the bili.)

We nicknamed him our little “glow-worm”.

When we got home, each time the sun was out, we stripped IA and put him in the sun to help lower his bilirubin levels.
His poor feet/heels that were punctured more than 4 times in less than one week of life (2 on each foot)!

But at the end, everything turned out!  Israel was very excited about that.

But Bentley remains a bit sad that he has become #2.  “Will someone come over and play with me?”

So all you Asians out there…when you have children, don’t be too
worried if they think your baby might have jaundice.  Most likely,
it will be gone within a few days.  ^_^  Until next time, God

11 thoughts on “He Looks a Little Yellow”

  1. “glow-worm” HAHAH~~
    It’s great to get updates of you and your baby!!!! ^______^*
    I’ll keep praying for your family!!!!!! and Bentley too =P

  2. I was jaundiced when I was born too. My parents used regular sunshine to get rid of the jaundice. (It was April in Georgia… there was lots more sun than MI!)

  3. look at father israel trying to be bone thug.. you’re embarassing little imanuel! he’s looking cute and you just have to go ruin it.. now he’s going to look back at his baby pictures and be like “ew, thats my pops pulling gang signs..”

  4. As new parents, you’ll be worried about every little thing. The reason why your parents weren’t nervous or worried–and the reason why Israel made that executive decision–is because most of the time, it’s really nothing. Anyway, I’m glad you’re worrying less Judy. I’m sure Imanuel will be a healthy child. After all, he’s got your & Israel’s good genes.

  5. He really does look like a glow worm in that one picture! :)Poor Bentley…I actually thought about going to get him the other day when it was warm and taking him to a park. Maybe next time we have a warm day I’ll do that.

  6. Glow Worm’s feet are still adorable even though they have been through the mill.  I think I am still a little jaundice from birth.  I have to use a sunlamp to get through winter, although I did not think it appropriate to strip down and stand in front of it — maybe that’s the part I’ve been missing!  Thanks, Ramoses, you have a beautiful family!!

  7. Hey, you guys. Congratulations, sorry it took so long to say that. But Praise God everything goes fine. And thankx for sharing things about your baby…I guess by the time I will have mine, I’ll know pretty much everything I should know or expect about a baby, right?;)
    All the best. And Judy, hope you’ll be back to normal soon!

  8. hi, i hope you remember me Israel, it’s Marzanna, Annalisa Lawson’s little sister. just wanted to give you a big congratulations from our family! i pray your little one grows up to be all that God wants him to be and that you can be proud of your little bundle of joy. God bless you guys!
    Marzanna Lawson

  9. so cute. daddy israel and mama judy… I love it…. you guys look like naturals.did I tell you guys? (that I had a dream that his name would be emmanuel… carzy huh?) I started to scream when jeannie told me.

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