Pictures from “Diarrhea Week” (week 3)

Here are some pictures of what life was like for the baby during his
third week.  He changes so much that there are times when I think
just after the baby takes a nap, he’s changed again!  People say
that he’s looking less Korean and more…not Korean.  Justin, is
Israel’s genes “bringin down the team” again?

Grandma feeding the baby.

The baby’s first time in the tubby!  (On Grandma’s b-day, March 20)
His ambilical cord FINALLY came off after two weeks.

Baths have now become a nightly ritual.  Israel and the baby spend bath time together.

The baby successfully puts his daddy to sleep…pacifier-in-mouth and all…

Uncle Justin pretending that he just changed the baby’s diaper and
asking me to take a picture…probably to show off to the girls.

“Uncle Justin probably on the phone with a girl.  I feel used.”  *sigh*

Auntie Steph and baby on St. Patrick’s Day. 

Baby wearing his “mommy & me” outfit.  We had to take a picture because it’s already becoming too small for him!

God has been so good to us!  He has given us adequate support,
encouragement and help when we needed it…and most of all, the
assurance that we are not in this alone.  It definitely isn’t as
easy as we thought it’d be, but we are beginning to understand why
children are gifts from the Lord.  They are given to us to prepare
us for the Kingdom.  Happy Sabbath to all of you!  (I think
I’m going to go take a nap now…)

8 thoughts on “Pictures from “Diarrhea Week” (week 3)”

  1. hey jude!exam went well. no medical emergencies. =) haha. there were a few people who came in late (or not at all) because of the daylight savings thing. the good thing is, they came early because they were diligent. only to come in and find that they were late!! (I’m sure I can squeeze an object lesson out of that one. hmm…)I had a really good drive back, too. I’m thinking I should do that more often. It was nice. but I miss you guys already. sigh.

  2. Those are some hillarious pictures. ‘Twas so much fun hanging out the past two weekends!.. with ice cream and all that good stuff. Thanks!! Michigan totally left a sUpeR first impression on me =D ..and for the baby, nice to have met you ^^

  3. well, I spent some time getting my profile photo working and then it did not show up.. oh well, I can always post another comment right ;0)So here it is, profile pic and all.Did we mention Imanuel looks soo cute? BTW.. what are eprops? Anyways, here are 2 more for you :)p.s. is there a way to edit your posts?

  4. he really is starting to look less korean!!! he’s such a cutie!and has anyone told you judy, you have this beautiful motherly glowtired or not, you look great!

  5. awwww…uncle justin is sooo cute!!! man…i wasn’t going to post til the pistons game this sunday…but i’m going to have to jack these pictures and post…HAHAHA. here’s all the sahrangs you need….=pjustin

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