Belated One Month Photos…

April 4th marked IA’s one month of life outside of the womb.   
He weighed in on the Mendez scale a little over 10 lbs and the
following week at the hospital weighed 11 lbs!  He’s growing like
a beanstalk — like a thick beanstalk! 
On this special day, we celebrated by having Uncle Daniel, our family
photographer, and his assistant, Auntie Kerri, come for a special one
month photo shoot.  Here are some of the pictures he took! 
Imanuel’s cousin, Juan, who is 9 months old, also has a special guest
appearance in one of the pics…

Posing with Israel’s mini Bible.  He wasn’t too thrilled about taking this picture.

Special thanks to Juan for letting us borrow his bunny…and special
thanks to Uncle Justin for letting IA borrow his shirt. 

Now Imax (as his daddy likes to call him) isn’t the most photogenic in
this pic…but we thought it was hilarious!  Poor baby could
barely hold up his body.

This is one of our favorites.

Quick updates on what has been going on…
– The baby has had Thrush (yeast infection in mouth – white tongue and
it spreads to inside of cheeks and lips) and has been on Nystatin for
over a week now.  That is the worst medicine.  Baby hates it
and it STILL isn’t gone.  Got it from the antibiotics …one of
the negatives of antibiotics during delivery/recovery.  Please
pray for it to finally go away!
– Poor baby experienced the 8th day, a couple days ago.  He’s in a
little discomfort.  We also found out he’s 12 lbs 5 oz!  He’s
quickly growing into 3 month old clothes!
AND last but not least –
– This Sabbath Imanuel Alexander will have his dedication at Campus
HOPE church at the University of Michigan during the divine worship
service.  We’re looking forward to that.

Okay, that’s all.  God bless!!


13 thoughts on “Belated One Month Photos…”

  1. I love that first picture of him. It’s laugh-out-loud funny. I saw Daniel and Kerri this past weekend. It was a little discombobulating for all of us. =) Miss you guys! (did you get a book in the mail?)

  2. My mom thinks he looks a little bit like your dad, and that he got a lotta features from your side of the family. =) Me? I’ve no idea…nice pics though. too bad you couldn’t come out this past weekend…but it was good to see Israel.

  3. We’re missing a cow…she hasn’t come home for WEEKS!! We hope she comes back soon.Oh Jen, THANKS FOR THE BOOK! Meant to call you but thought you were coming Easter…for sure. Anyhow, I poured through the entire baby section the very hour after I received it from the mailman. It was GREAT. You’re the best.Al, it would have been nice to go over! My sis and I were just pooped and wanted to chill at home for the evening. I also think he looks like my dad’s side…he’s a true Namm. hahaha.Is big_gUy23 Tae Kim??!! I tried to figure out by your xanga a few times but wasn’t sure. I was thinking about collect calling you the other day…LOL!!

  4. Immanuel is so cute. I love the picture with the Bible.  I hope he starts feeling better.  How are you guys doing with the new change.  Hopefully its not to rough but I’m sure you enjoy it.

  5. Adorable pics! I love the last one! Has he smiled yet?? Maybe he will soon. My first smile was at 5 weeks. I love the first pic too… he looks like he’s ready to take marching orders.

  6. i love the pictures! he’s so cute. >_<btw, i hope you guys are telling him about sarah imo everyday. he’d better know me by the time he finally gets to meet me. ^0^

  7. oh my. he is a really~ cute little one isn’t he! I wish I could meet him, hold him and spoil him like crazy! I NEED to go to MI. I’ll pray for his little infection. grrrr… I don’t like baby to be in discomfort! Miss you guys A LOT!

  8. Sorry for the delay in the pics! That was our fault 🙁 🙁 But I guess that wasn’t the only thing that was late since his “8th day” was more like the 45th day! 😉 Poor baby–Hope he’s recovering well from his ordeal. Thanks for letting us share in his special 1 month birthday. P.S. If you let Daniel take pics for you again, hold him hostage at your house until he downloads them to your computer! 🙂

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