Quick Pics – from April ’06

We’re about to head out to visit Jen and instead of packing up our
belongings and the baby bag (like I ought to be doing), I decided to
post some pics.  I actually downloaded the pics yesterday and have
been meaning to post them for nearly 24 hours…and I finally found
some time!  Here they are…

IA finally got to meet his imo, Julie.   She’s out at Loma
Linda working out and getting buff, oh, and finishing up her third year
of med school. 
She and John Yoon duked it out one night doing like a million
push-ups.  My sis did over 100 of them…and I’m talking “man
push-ups” – perfect form.  She was not proud of my gut that I’m
still working on getting down. 

A pic of the family after a morning of basketball…actually, a weekend
of basketball.  We’re chillin in Justin’s room before we have to
take my sis back to the airport.  We had the privilege of meeting
Justin’s squirrel pet, Nutz.  John Yoon, quit flexing for the

After my sis left, I was inspired to do some walking.  So, on
every nice day, we usually go walking at least once around the
block.  The baby is sporting his bear outfit that he got from his
imos, Angie and Alice.  I think this was the last time I was able
to squeeze it on him.  It’s too small now. 

More walking on a Sabbath afternoon with the Kleinsters…

While my recent bonding with the baby has been our walks, Israel’s
bonding with the baby still remains their afternoon naps
together.   Can somebody say lazy?!

Our animals have been trying to fit in more.  Bentley is trying to
sit on baby to see if he’ll get off his owner’s lap.  He literally
sat on the baby for a few seconds.  (The baby didn’t seem to mind
or want to move.)

And after Bentley’s endeavors to boot baby failed, he humbly agreed to
a compromise.  He would share his owner with the baby.

The kitties all of a sudden took a liking to the baby’s things…like his stroller.

Here’s the last pic and also the most recent one of the
baby.  Next time, I’ll try to get more pics of him while he’s
awake.  He’s looking less and less like a baby.

Well, this is my last week of freedom.  I begin
school on Monday.  I miss teaching, but if I were to choose
between raising the baby and teaching, I would most definitely choose
the baby.  That is something I never dreamed would be me
saying.  Being a mom is just the best thing.  I can’t wait
for all of you women to experience it.  Okay, I gotta get
going.  God bless each of you…

24 thoughts on “Quick Pics – from April ’06”

  1. Julie! Tell her hi for me…The last time we emailed she said she had heard her sister had a baby. That girl is so funny. Basketball woman. She’s intense. 🙂
    Don’t worry about heading back to school…the countdown is on and the end is in sight. ðŸ™‚ When do you guys get out?
    I was telling Israel about this book called Babywise that helps get newborns on a sleeping schedule. It’s supposed to be really good–so I’ve been told. 🙂
    ~God bless you guys!

  2. LOL.. the photo of Bentley sharing the lap and Imanuel’s hair style is very funny… maybe you should post it for the ‘new life’ theme at the photo club 😉 (www.4ward2gether.com/photo)

  3. I love the pic of baby and daddy napping. its a frame worthy pic… make it black and white and its art… an anne geddes photo. I really~ wanna meet baby ramos… I feel like he’ss be walking and talking by the time I see him. poo. I never thought I’d say this either… but you are strating to sway me… babies ARE lovely… well worth the gut. maybe. haha. hope all is well love.

  4. On behalf of my mother, I would also like to recommend Baby Wise. She knows of a success story. Perhaps she can tell it to you when we visit in the near future. 🙂

  5. Hi my Ramoses! Imanuel is getting soo big! Dude I’m lovin the picture of your dog trying to make some room on Israel’s lap. aww he’s jealous…how cute. Anyhooooo just want to let you know that there is a package coming your way so beware! =) Have an awesome weekend.

  6. how beautiful it is to hear that “being a mom is the best thing,” i’m sure israel would say thee same.  can’t wait to be a father myself, all in due time though.  i think it’s interesting the animals are jealous of IA.  in my work with people i often see the older siblings getting jealous and regressing in behavior to be more like their infant sibling. great to see that animals are just as aware, and fragile ego’s like people. many blessing to the whole family!

  7. puhahaha that picture of bentley is making me laugh out loud !!!!!! ..  my neighbors probably think i’m crazythe expression on his face is just pricelessand i haven’t talked to julie in forever!!!!glad to hear that she’s doing well
    and i’m just dying to meet immanuel!!! can’t wait!

  8. Nice pictures!! I’m very happy for both of you.  Tell Bentley I’m sorry his glory days are over. I love the picture of Bentley and the baby sitting on Israel- Bentley looks so forlorn…………Anyway, happy sabbath.

  9. Great pics!  It was nice seeing you guys here in Boring Springs.  I enjoyed seeing Immanuel in person instead of in cyber space!  God bless.

  10. that was so much fun guys. I can’t even say because it was just so. much. fun. even with not-so-ti-nee baby’s bowel movement issues and a certain someone’s obsession with sing–nevermind. Somehow I sense danger there. Alls I gotta say is ‘Ali Baba.’ I hope Mr. B isn’t too spoiled after all his fun. new cow again for you guys.

  11. It was so good to see you guys this past weekend!  It was nice to finally meet you, Judy and Immanuel.  Israel, I can’t believe you stood me up!  Sleeping?!  Pooh-ha-ha.  You’d better come by next time you’re in the area.  Give us a ring some time.

  12. Hello Judy & Israel,
    First of all, CONGRATS!  I have heard of the ongoings of your lives through other former DKAY members and I’m so excited & happy for both of you.  I’m sorry to write this as a blanket reply, but Alice gave me your Xanga website and so, this morning (since I woke up at 4am with horrible insomnia, so strange!), I decided to check it out.  Anyway, Judy, I’d love to share a little bit of my motherhood experience, so feel free to email me at chunglk@yahoo.com if you’d like.  As far as recommending any books, I really like the “Baby Whisperer” by Tracy Hogg (http://www.thebabywhisperer.com).  I have a copy that I can mail to you if you’d like.  Hopefully you are getting some rest (I can see that Israel is catching his fair share 🙂
    I’ll try to post some pix of my 2 boys on the DKAY website.  I don’t know you two keep up with your website, but great job!

  13. Great pictures! Imanuel’s getting so big  ~ I love his hair in the picture with Bentley =)

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