Mother’s Day

The Ramos Family just celebrated Judy’s (and Israel’s) first Mother’s Day.  The craziest thing of the day was the humility that Israel showed: he’s been Mr. Mom for a long time, yet he took a supporting role and allowed Judy to get all the credit of Motherhood.  Oh, that there were more Israelites (in the truest sense of the word) in this world. 
On top of that…
Daniel Mendez, Ramos Family Photographer of the Year (but he’s so busy that it takes a year to get the proofs) and close friend of the family came up with a great idea.  He calls me up and shoots out the idea of having a pre-Mother’s Day celebration.  Why hold off on something that you can do today, right?
So here’s what we did:

We made a special SURPRISE! dinner for them celebrating Judy and Kerri’s first Mother’s Day: Falafel, Salad, Split Pea Soup, and Cilantro & Sundried Tomato Pasta.
Imanuel is trying to pose like the people back in the James White days. 

On the actual MOTHER’S DAY, we had our own little thing going on at home.  Jen Song (but she likes to be called Moo-moo for short…it may be a Korean thing) was over and she’s a teacher.  And if teachers are parents, and she’s a teacher…hey, why not celebrate Mother’s Day also…

According to some sources, all women have a “Maternal Desire”–the crazy thing is that they had this interview with some women, Moo-moo being one of them, and the researcher said she had one deep down inside.  I don’t know, though.

Back to the story…
On Sunday, we celebrated MD with a special SURPRISE! pancake breakfast prepared by yours…true…ly.

We had pictures of that event but I can’t find the camera to download them.  But don’t worry, most of them are of Judy sleeping.  And Jen just waking up.  Maybe next time.

On a more serious note…
I am very grateful for the two mothers who’ve impacted my life the greatest: my mom and my jude.

Marriage is a funny thing.  When you get into it, you feel as though trying your best is the key to its success.  But after a short time of being in one, I’ve realized that no amount of human power can keep one together.  It’s been quite humbling trying to be the best husband/father I can be yet still fall short of what my family needs.  I thank God for His strength, and Judy for her patience, encouragement, and love.

Judy, you are better than all that I could ever have asked for or imagined!

Happy Mother’s Day.

16 thoughts on “Mother’s Day”

  1. I second Sarah’s comment. *smile*And a very happy first Mother’s Day to Judy!!!!What a beautiful picture of you and the baby! =)So “Moo-moo” has maternal desire deep inside. *laugh* Why doesn’t that surprise me? 😉 Jen, you just wait…^.~This post was really sweet guys. =)

  2. “Oh, that there were more Israelites (in the truest sense of the word) in this world…” does that mean you want more children? heh heh. and btw. I know where the camera is now. but after this I’m not sure if I want to tell you anymore! horray for Bill Gates.

  3. PS. there is something so wrong about all this… ‘moo-moo’ (that is not my name)’s ‘maternal desires’ (funny at the time but not at all funny at the same time) is NOT subject to public discussion (even by our most humble president.) oya veya. michelle, I will need to exchange some words with you. =)

  4. i’m humbled by mr mom’s “humility”a really sweet post tho i must sayyay for mothers and a wonderful first mother’s day!the food looks yummy 😉

  5. That was so stinkin’ beautiful, you should frame it or put it in some kind of special drawer where you’ll forget about it and someday find it just so you can relish it all over again.  Can’t wait to see you fine folkien sooooon…..

  6. Hey Jude, congrats on your first Mother’s Day! I’m glad Israel did something so nice. 🙂 And I love the new profile picture!

  7. hey… thanks for your hospitality and having me over… it is always refreshing and inspiring to talk with the both of you… i pray God will continue to shine His love through you as He has in the past… thanks again… hk

  8. Wow, what a man! ;)… It’s great to hear you guys are having a good time as parents. Happy Belated Mother’s day, Judy! More to come for you! All the best to all!
    PS: Israel, the baby start looking more and more like you….good sign 😉

  9. awwww YAY! You finally got it! Dude, I was buggin Justin like crazy to ask you because I have this thing where I get so paranoid when I’m sending a package or letter because I think that the person I’m sendin to won’t get it! Don’t ask..I’m weird like that…(I can see Israel notting his head saying “yes she is…”) =) SOOO it looks like MR. Ramose JR. is getting sooo big!!!! Well, I hope that the blanket keeps him nice and warm and cozy!As for me, I got back from DC a few weeks ago; I graduated last weekend and this weekend I am going to Miami with some friends to finally chill out. Then I’m off to Africa and Korea for mission trips. Right after Korea I’m going to campmeeting to coordinate for high school…yeah yeah I know. I’m diggin myself a grave but I’m excited what God has in store for me this summer. I’ve never gone on a mission trip so this shall be grand! It’s my graduation present from my parents! =)I wanna go back to school but I need some field work under my belt so I’m in the process of joining the peace corps. I got nominated but I just need to go through the medical and dental exams. They wanna send me off in January 2007…soooooooo yeah! I hope that I will get to see the three of you if I do end up leaving because it’s for 2 years! I miss yall dearly! I hope that your first Mother’s DAy, Judy, was THE BEST! *Toodles!*

  10. Bomsterz, Iman is using your blanket RIGHT NOW as I type this…he’s making funny faces though…hmmm…I don’t think that the blanket has anything to do with it though.Thanks…it’s nice (and big too…good since he’s growing and all)BTW…RAMOS…not ramosE…thanks :)And Sarah, we’re listening to your music.

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