Highlights from 2nd Month

The best things that happened this month were that the baby…

1)  has learned how to keep the binky in his mouth,
2)  really smiles…not just as a reflex…and expresses himself more,
3)  coos and tries to talk to you,
4)  was able to spend his first Mothers’ Day with his mom and his “Mr. Mom”,
5)  has begun to grab objects that are in front of him and hold them,
and last but definitely not least~

Well, since he was born, at night he would always go every 4 hours
between feedings (you are supposed to count from the beginning of
feeding to beginning of next feeding).  His magical time to wake
up was at 3am.  Without fail, he would always wake up at 3am
whether we put him down last at 10pm or 1am.  The past month, he
extended that time to waking up at 4am when we’d put him down between
Anyhow, for the past few days, his final feeding has been at 9pm and we
put him down at 10pm and he wakes up at around 6:30am!!  God truly
hears and answers prayers!  I’m thinking that after a couple
weeks, we’ll try to ease his bedtime up to 8pm and his wake up time to
IA has grown in more ways than one.  At our last doctor’s visit
(for his 2 month check-up), the baby weighed 15lbs 4oz and was 25.75
inches!  To give you an idea of how large that is, his weight is
in the 95th percentile and his height is in the 90th.  He has
grown a lot (as you can imagine) and he is getting stronger too. 
Anyway, here are some pictures of the baby.  He is changing so
much and it almost makes me sad when I think that I can never have my
newborn baby back! 

He smiles a lot…especially after he eats.  Go figure.

The baby sporting his truck sweatshirt.  His one and only time wearing it because it’s getting too small.

Wearing one of his many PJs and laying in his crib. 

Picture with his daddy.  (The baby is wishing his daddy would have shaved before holding him so close.)

Hope you all have a relaxing Memorial Day weekend! 

8 thoughts on “Highlights from 2nd Month”

  1. Awww….cute pictures. He’s getting so big. I need to come over more because IA isn’t going to know who I am. Glad to hear he’s sleeping more. 🙂

  2. oh mercy…..he is soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute….so sorry i haven’t posted my congrats. isn’t it wonderful being able to sleep past 4hrs. he’s a chubby baby…they are the best. glad to hear you are enjoying motherhood. judy i need to run an idea by you….could you please leave me your email address at my site.

  3. hahaha… he looks like he’s an inmate in baby prison with those stripes. har har… (disclaimer: the outfit is still cute.)hope you guys are doing well. jude, I want to show you a video clip I made today. I think you might enjoy. I laughed myself silly taking it. (are you guys in Sunshine?)

  4. Is this the first time your computer broke down?  If it broke in the exact same…with the backlight going out, i think it might still be under the logicboard extention program. 

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