School’s Out!

This past Wednesday was my last day of teaching.  For the next few
days after that, I finished up all of my grading and filling out report
cards…AND cleaning out my classroom.  Teaching has been such an
eye opening experience for me.  It has been  so influential
in shaping who I am as a person and as a Christian.  Although
teaching at Ann Arbor Adventist Elm was pretty rough, (as some of you
know), I’m so grateful for my time there.  It was an emotional
rollercoaster from day one.  It was my first exposure to the “real
world”.  And, at times, it wasn’t pretty.  Through it all
though, I have come out a better, stronger person, by God’s
grace.  But, He is beginning another chapter in my life
story.  I’m still going to be a teacher, but I’ll have only one
student.  And he can’t even talk yet.  You’d think this would
be a little easier, yeah? 

“The child’s first teacher is the mother.  During the period of
greatest susceptibility and most rapid development his education is to
a great degree in her hands.  To her first is given opportunity to
mold the character for good or for evil.”  (Child Guidance, 63)

7 thoughts on “School’s Out!”

  1. A wise decision. Little Imanuel will one day thank you so much for putting his education first. I thank my mom every day for making the decision to set aside her career in order to train me to love Jesus. It was SO worth it!!

  2. well, Judy we wish you all the best with the great responsibility you have. We know you’ll do a great job. It won’t be easy at times but the reward is amazing. Stay strong in the Lord and He will bless.

  3. big responsibility! wish you the best… by God’s grace! hk (ever need a baby-sitter… call me ;OD)

  4. Israel (my concience) Just got the comment!! LOL!! I was about to say I can’t sorry…but after your Soooo adorable baby pics….I’m having second thoughts 🙂 sooo cute!!!!!!! love the pics.

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