Change (& decay) in All Around We See!!

This past month has been perhaps the most eventful in our lives,
particularly, because the baby has changed SOOO much!  It’s
amazing how you can see such personality and character in a little baby
that’s only 4 months old!  Anyhow, here are some of the
1) the baby has started teething (drools like Niagara as Uncle Justin K. likes to put it) 
2) he can now play in his saucer and jumper–and he LOVES it 
3)  he “holds” the bottle when he’s eating  and pulls it to his mouth if you’re not quick enough
4)  he is starting to grab anything close enough to him — so no
more holding baby on lap while eating — and he’s taken quite a liking
to Bentley’s ears and nose as he squeals with glee (Bentley doesn’t
seem to mind, in fact, I think he likes it!! 🙂 
5)  my parents have finally given him his Korean name — it’s
pronounced “Sun-oo” which is roughly translated “good samaritan”
And the most exciting of all…*drumroll*…
6)  the baby has learned to roll over!  The sad part is that
we never saw him do it.  Two times when we put him down on his
tummy and when we checked on him, he was on his back!  Hopefully
we’ll get to witness it sometime soon.

It is crazy to watch how Imanuel’s brain is soaking up
everything.  Physically and mentally he is developing at such a
rapid pace.  He is about 27 inches and weighs over 18lbs. 
Just 4 months ago, he was 21 inches and 7lbs 3oz.  His vision,
hand-eye coordination, voice, and even feet/leg movement have really
come a super-duper long way. 
But despite the importance of these things, our prayers have always
been focused on his spirituality.   I wonder to what extent
our morning and evening worships are affecting little Imanuel’s
heart.  I believe the greatest fear that a mother can have is her
children not making it to the kingdom.  But, by faith, and through
God’s mercy and strength, even a baby raised completely dependent upon
humans can learn to love and accept God as his personal Savior! 
What a miracle…God is so good to us!

Imanuel Alexander at 4 months

Aroe and baby’s feet playing together

Baby has “discovered” his tongue.  He likes to play with it during his free time.

Using the “cold carrot technique” to aleviate baby’s gums…(or so he can play with it).

IA chillin’ in his jumper.  He can literally hang out in there for an hour with no complaints!

Analyzing his toys on his saucer.

“I am having so much fun!”

Baby sporting a Tim Brown jersey which has been passed down from his
big cousin, Jacob.  He doesn’t look too happy and I wouldn’t mind
it a bit if he stayed away from football…he’s going to play tennis
like his mommy.  🙂

God bless you all! 

11 thoughts on “Change (& decay) in All Around We See!!”

  1. that’s so incredible. it really is amazing how we grow so fast… and I’m sure those devotions are doing something. We can only do our part, and when connected with the Divine…. invincible.

  2. hey guys!!we’re in thailand nowthe mission trip was really wonderfuland we’re about to start Thailand Youth Conference tonighti’ll update once i get back in the stateslove you guys!!! and happy to see IA grow grow grow!

  3. How exciting! It is wonderful watching all the neat things that he is doing everyday huh? The pictures are adorable. You guys are really good with the camera to capture “the magic.” I can see his personality shining through the pictures. I loved the part about wanting him in the kingdom. I want it more for Andy than I want it myself….

  4. confict over sports…and he’s not even a year yet! wow. WHATS WITH THE TIM BROWN JERSEY? at least do a Randy Moss or Jerry Porter! at least! hehhee. he is SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! it’s sinful!peace,

  5. that “i am having so much fun” picture cracks me up.HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAH!your kid is a riot, joody.good one. COME TO DKAY THIS WEEKEND AND BRING YOUR LITTLE CHUB OF BABY. =) AND then i can eat it. bye.

  6. WOW, he’s sooo cute! I don’t think he can get any cuter than that….very adorable. You guys are doing a good job!…
    Now it makes me want my own baby sometimes….God knows when….Blessings to you.

  7. Thanks Israel, It was good to see you and Judy at AU too! =)Imanuel’s quite the handsome baby. =)Haven’t read DA recently – but I’ll have to check out the references to glory. It’s such a nice read. I’m at Hartland. =PMany prayers bro!

  8. Israel you have me paranoid now about the playmat! Is it the same for the exersaucers too? I have turned into a paranoid mother…SIDS, choking, dog bites, cat smothering him in the night (cat loves to sleep on top of me sometimes) mosquito bites (we have known cases of west nile in the area), and now becoming cross-eyed! It doesn’t help that I am a nurse in a hospital…I see all the things that COULD happen. Anyways, I guess parents always worry about their children. I need to realise that Andy is in God’s hands. But like, we have a major responsibility to make sure they are safe and cared for!

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