Introducing….Solid Foods! (And An Update!)

Since Imanuel turned 4 months (July 4th, 2006), we began mixing rice
cereal into his bottle for one meal a day.  We did that for about
3 weeks and then decided it was time to add another meal.  We did
that for a couple days and quickly found out that the baby was getting
seriously constipated.  So, a couple days ago, on July 29th, we
started the baby on 1 meal vegetable and 1 meal rice cereal.  It’s
worked out great. 
The baby loves eating food from a spoon!  The only times he gets upset is when I don’t feed him quickly enough!  I’ll try to post more pictures later, but here’s one to enjoy:

As for the rest of our lives, God is blessing also.  I’ve picked up part-time work with CAMPUS and GYC as their “administrative assistant”.  Believe it or not, that’s been fun.  I bring the baby along with me wherever I go and he’s been adjusting well.  I enjoy multi-tasking (being a teacher and all…) and so it works out great.  We’ve rearranged the entire CAMPUS office and we’ve also set up a GYC office in one of the rooms.  You guys will have to come see it sometime.  Very exciting.  🙂
On another note, today, for the first time in my life, colporteurs came to my door!!!!  Actually, it was kinda set up, but it was still exciting!  I was taking my jog/walk around my neighborhood with the baby & puppy when I see Teddy pull up next to me.  He’s the magabook leader for the group that’s in Ann Arbor this summer.  They were doing our territory so I told him to have some students stop by and I’d buy some books.  Sure enough, 2 of them came later that evening.  It was Alexandra and another boy.  They apparently were the highest sellers so they got to come canvass our house.  🙂  I got the 3 magabooks that I didn’t have (“Angels Among Us”, “Plants that Heal”, and “Foods that Heal”) and gave them both a donation.  It was so super-hot and humid that their shirts were like soaked through with sweat!  Poor kids.  They are working so hard that I didn’t even ask them to canvass me.    I’m so glad we got a magabook program in Ann Arbor.  Last year, Israel and I had prayed that God would give us an opportunity to minister to our neighborhood.  We’re so thankful that they came!
Well, I’d better hit the sack.  Israel left for ASi today (in Dallas, TX) so for the next few days, I’ll be taking on the baby, the zoo, and the house…oh yeah, and work!    But, God will get me through it…He always does.  (I think I’ll ask my mom to come over…)

6 thoughts on “Introducing….Solid Foods! (And An Update!)”

  1. do u know how much your posts are anticipated? lol it’s so much fun to read your updates on your life and how quickly “the Baby” is growing up! if i was as half as on top of things as you were my parents would be THRILLED. lol it’s good to see that everything’s going fabulously and the Baby finally gets to eat with a spoon! >_< man, after reading your records on motherhood, i’m having serious doubts for myself for the future. ahahaha! take carez~~~~! ^0^

  2. ha! hope and imanuel sitting in a tree… hehe.. sorry, i read your post on esther’s xanga… that would be so cute… we could all be related! =0) in what… 25 years???

  3. Judy, last summer, MY team was in your neighborhood… while you guys were in St. Louis at GC!!! That was so disappointing to figure that out later. Blah. Anyway, glad you had fun with the magabookers! I’m sure they had fun at your door. Looks like Imanuel thinks that food is yummy. What a cutie! I hope I’m not giving you too much work there at the office… I try to keep it down!! Seriously though, thanks so much for all you’re doing. We REALLY appreciate it!!

  4. God…mom…sometimes they’re like one and the same…  I’m glad everything is going well.  Thanks for dropping “in” on me and checkin’ up.  It’s always nice to know that someone is thinking about you. 
    Have a great day…and (very soon) a great weekend!!
    I wanna play softball so bad…

  5. Hello Judy ! Imanuel is adorable !!!!! It must be so exciting to be a mom. 🙂 It looks like you have your hands full. Great to hear that you’re doing well. You’re a teacher too?!?!? How exciting. I love talking to fellow teachers. 🙂 Keep in touch, Judy.Blessings !

  6. yikes! he’s growing so fast!
    can’t believe you were here and i missed you! i was probably sleeping due to jetlag… yikes! and i’ll be heading to africa on monday! aaaahhh!!! life is good! God is good! i’m just keeping my eyes and ears open to find what the Lord has to teach me next! yikes!

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