Alanna’s New Birthday! (& Hungry Baby)

Last Sabbath, July 30th, 2006, our Alanna got rebaptized in the Jordan River (in Petoskey, MI).  It was preceded by a beautiful testimony time where Alanna shared her story, and family and friends shared tributes/exhortations.  What a story of conversion and recommitment!  I’m sure all who were there were touched and inspired…

We love you and are praying for you, Alanna!

Grandpa Pipim and the baby…can you see the resemblance?

A snapshot of what happens during feedings…

“I’m still hungry…”

“…I’m waiting…and nothing’s coming out of my thumb.”

“I may have to resort to eatting the scraps from my bib…Momma, will you hurry up and feed me, please?”

~After eating, nothing beats a bottle of refreshing milk.~

“That was great…I think I wanna knock out…right…here….”

13 thoughts on “Alanna’s New Birthday! (& Hungry Baby)”

  1. that was beautiful. well, the feeding too, but the baptism. conversion has turned me into such a sap. =) I get choked up when I hear testimonies that remind me of my own experience and when I witness heartfelt baptisms. as for visiting! It turns out that Imanuel’s clock needs a battery. And the thing’s screwed in with a nail. So. Well, my classes end tomorrow… and I’ll need some time to clean house and arrange things to compensate for these past few weeks when I let my house turn into a disaster area. I moved my AC into my bedroom, and even though the window thing melted AGAIN I can still bask in the coolness better. =) See you soon…

  2. cute baby. regarding qdoba … it’s not quite chipotle imho. see my reply to your comment on my page.

  3. haha… me again. and I just want to say.I LOVE you, Judy!! I’m sorry I couldn’t come this weekend. You know that nothing can keep me away. Except bible studies and Sabbath School, and I’m sure you understand this. =) Thanks for your encouragement on my posts. Those keep me going. I wish I could’ve come to help you out. Or I wish you could’ve come here but I didn’t want to suggest it since I know it’s tiring and draining, especially for not-so-ti-nee bay-bee. But I’ll see you soon… and I’ve been feeding your pets even though I’m totally not a Lakers fan. =) Happy Sabbath…

  4. Well, Praise the Lord for Alanna’s new commitment. As for your question on when I’m coming back, short answer is not until Christmas maybe…I’ll send out an e-mail update about that hopefully by the end of the next week. And a note on the baby, he’s definately grown. He’ll probably be walking by the time I see him.

  5. awwww, me so happy!!! and judy and izzy and immy, i just want to say that even the pic w/ you guys and alanna shows how it is such a blessing to know God and it really really shows how you guys are so happy. your picture alone is like a testimony of a good christian family home is the happiest and is the greatest treasure. aww shucks! we’re moving soon to MI! in fact on the 20th, we’re supposed to move to Glencoe Hills which is pretty close to you guys!!!!!!! sadly, we are not bringing jacob our puppy so whenever we miss our doggie, we’ll just come visit your zoo at your house, hahaha. and if you ever need a petsitter for chance and aroe at our apt, we can do it! i think bentley will be too hyper for me to handle, kekeke. no offense izzy, but i think you are the only one who can really control that happy doggie.

  6. judy, srry this is kind of late, but i wanted to thank you sooooo much for your genorous donation!  u r such a blessing!!!  may god continue to bless your family and you all should come and visit us at OHA!!!  GB!

  7. hellooooooo ramos family!  imanuel is looking cuter and cuter each day!  i can’t tell if it’s because of israel’s resemblence or judy’s.  but in one of those pics, he definitely looks like he misses his uncle in california.  please tell alanna that she is an awesome woman!

  8. hihi ramoses’ family !=) let me introduce myself~ im esther~ judy, i used to live in GA long ago.. used to be ur grandparent’s neighbor ~ i remember whenever it was their bday~ you guys would come from MI and do all these special music n then in the eveinin play basketball with our guys, u sisters were so good =) also, whenever ur grandma would go to korea to visit…  ur grandpa was home alone, we’d go over to see him ~he’d always give us those costco muffins and would always tell us that they were from michigan “from my daughter” =) anyrate, ur baby is soooo adorable!! i was just readin ur entries, and seriously, it was just too hilarious and funny, i was all laughin by myself ~ really, couldn’t stop readin=) ooh also Israel, Jooch told me long ago that his “cousin’s” husband was in charge of GYC… i had no idea it was you though… hahah… but i just wanted to say that im sooo glad that we have such wonderful people who are in charge of it, preparing our “young” people to go out and witness, gettin ready for the second coming! u guys need to have GYC more in cali though =) =) hehe… may the Good Lord continue to bless ur family much much abundantly! =)

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