19 thoughts on “A Geography Lesson”

  1. that is seriously like another country…i’ll definitely make a visit there.. i can’t say when or how soon.. but it will happen :)God bless on your journey~

  2. It was not long ago that Judy was willing herself to leave Michigan…where she had grown up…received all of her formal education…God laughed on that day…and said, “No, Judy, you cannot leave Michigan…but you CAN move to its northernmost border. Any more north and you will be sitting in a great great lake. But worry not, because I am there, too, and I will never leave you. Be faithful to me and I will take care of you. Just as I always have.”Praying for my beautiful friends, the Ramoses…

  3. That map cracks me up. It really does look super duper far away. I mean, it is really far away, but on that map it really does look like another country. Judy, I think I can babysit tomorrow morning/afternoon. Do you need my services? (Please say yes.)

  4. It may be far away but it is beautiful country up there. Just visited the U.P. in July. I want to second what was said above, you can’t go anywhere where you are outside the love and care of God. He will never leave you! I know you will feel His presence close to you there and that will make it feel like home. Praying for you!

  5. When it takes longer to get to you guys than getting to MD, even though we live in the same state, that’s far. God bless! Does that mean if I want to visit Isle Royale, I can stay at your house? ha ha..

  6. the fact that you’re moving makes me miss you two (three!) even more.isn’t that crazy since we weren’t even in the same state to begin with? =)haha.take care, y’all!

  7. WOW.way to publicly humiliate me..you know i’m a walking thesaraus….man..jerkface! good thing you’re moving.muahahah…when are you departing?!

  8. haha. Good point, Justin. I can’t believe the map tells me I have to go through wisconsin to visit you guys. Did you know that in the time it’ll take me to drive there, I could drive to my parents’ place in NY? I have a better plan, though. All I can say it that it involves some elaborate planning. And some tranquilizer darts. =)

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