(Not Quite as) Little House on the Prairie: “Our New Home”

It had been 11 days since we moved into our new home on the prairie. 

(view from back deck)

We missed all of our friends back in the other settlement…like Aunt Stephanie…

…and Uncle Daniel (& Kerri and Juan!!!)

And many, many others (but we don’t have any pics of them right now…)

Ma had been so busy unpacking, washing our clothes (by hand, our washer is broken), and getting us settled in.  She also had to take care of the baby which was a huge responsibility.

The good news is that Imanuel has learned to hold his bottle all by himself!  That comes in handy when Ma is busy doing things around the house.

It was a lot of work settling in, but boy did we love our new home. 



It was beautiful- especially the backyard which gave us a lot of room to play.

Our Aunt Alanna came to visit us.  We had a lot of fun!  One of the best things we did was pick apples from the trees in our backyard.  She and Ma were going to make apple pie!

(Can you see Alanna in the tree?)
We’re glad she didn’t fall out of the tree like Pa did when he tried to get the kite. 

We ended up making apple pie (3 of them!),

plenty of baby food (enough to feed the baby through the winter!),

AND Pa even made fresh apple cider!!  He’s ALWAYS working hard for our family.

It was so much fun!  We decided to make a pitcher for our new neighbors so we bundled up and delivered it to them.   They were very grateful and we became good friends! 

Imanuel got to wear one of the new hats that Aunt Sarah got for him!

All in all, I’m so glad to be here.  The best part of all, is that our family can be together.  (Including our fish, Nehemiah…it’s a long story.)

By the end of the day, I was worn out!  I knew I would have a good sleep at night.  Yup, that’s me.

And, that’s me running down the prairie in the back of our house…but I didn’t trip and fall like the youngest Ingalls sister.

Based on the diaries of Bentley Ramos-Wilder.  🙂

9 thoughts on “(Not Quite as) Little House on the Prairie: “Our New Home””

  1. hahaha!!! You know, I was just thinking of you guys today. I caught an episode (ok, one and a half) of LHOTP today. Carrie had fallen into a mine shaft and Ma and Pa thought for sure she was dead. And then in the next half episode I saw, Laura had contracted a ‘fever’ because she was trying to help a neighbor…well, nevermind that. That picture with Daniel is hilarious. I think I can look at that and laugh all day. In that picture of Mandoo holding the bottle, he looks like Sweet Pea. You know, the child of Popeye and Olive Oyl. So cute. Miss you guys a lot. (Although I’d make it up there if Pa could insure that he’ll do a reinactment of falling out of the tree. Without the broken bones, of course.)I love that last picture of Bentley. That’s hilarious. Bentley Ramos-Wilder… hahaha!! I put up a cow crossing sign just so you’re prepared for me when I come by your way…

  2. Adorable!I miss you guys! I’ll have to give you a call sometime soon.Thanks for the pictures. It’s good to see you all. Except Judy was not in one picture.Anyway, I’ll have to find a weekend to visit sometime soon.:)

  3. that’s one scary picture of Daniel. Anyways, that’s a heckuva yard too…I agree with Justin too. ha ha, and way to roll with the theme throughout the whole post. =)

  4. that picture of daniel and israel makes me laugh every time i look at it!israel seems so oblivious to his impending doom.
    such a great post, jude!i was able to spot waldo (aka alanna) in the tree. =)remember those “where’s waldo” books?that’s what that picture reminded me of.
    and wow! the resemblence between you and imanuel is incredible!now i know what you would have looked like if you were a born a boy. =)
    have a great week!i’m sure we’ll be in touch….

  5. yo, glad you guys are settling in…  getting a little too country though with the apple pies, apple sauce and cider, no??  looks beautiful though.  better take lots of picts and stuff so you can remind yourselves why you live there again come winter…  i don’t envy you and all the snow in your future.

  6. ok ok .. I did not sign any photo release before you posted THAT picture of me… I guess you owe me a pie.. better yet, 2 pies!.. and some cilantro pesto for good measure ;)Can you deliver to Ann Arbor? And remember it next time you want to post one of my karate moves ;)Looks like a beautiful place!.. maybe we will visit after all 😉 I can’t wait to see how creative you get in the winter months.. like bIg_gUy23 said.. it will all be snow all around very soon! :-/ You know what Pa and Laura had to do during the winter blizzards??? Twist straw together into sticks to burn in the wood stove—-all day long, day after day, until their hands got red and blistered. Are you ready to move back yet???we miss you guys!d,k,j

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