Signs of the Times

The weather is getting more and more chilly up here.  The weather has been in the 40s which is causing the leaves to change colors quickly.  The peak time for leaf-watching (that’s the best thing to do up here!) will be in the next couple of weeks- that is if it doesn’t snow and kill the leaves prematurely. 

The baby has gotten used to wearing a hat every time he goes out.  This is his thickest one that he got from Justine Klein.  He thinks of her whenever he wears it.

This is the same pic of the deer except it’s enlarged.  We see deer at least every other day because they stuff themselves with our apples…most likely to help hold them over the winter.  Bentley loves to scare them away by his emphatic barking, but he’ll never run much further than our deck area.  It’s pretty funny.  :]

Here is a picture in front of “the bridge” that is by our house.  It
takes you to the neighboring city, Hancock.  In Hancock, we find many
of our church members, the regional airport, the two hospitals, and the
Keweenaw Co-op.  We like to liken the co-op to a mini Whole Foods. 
(VERY MINI version)  However, something interesting about the bridge is
that at any given moment, the bridge can be closed due to the boats
that come through.  So, if there is a medical emergency or we are
needing to catch a flight out…we hope that God is there to work out
the timing.  Other than that, the surrounding area is very beautiful
and there is a lake-side park and walkway.  If you look very closely at
the picture of the Houghton church from a previous post, you can see
the bridge in the background.  It is within walking distance. 

This past Sabbath, we ran our first church marathon.  We went to all three churches and Israel preached at each one.  We ended up driving over 100 miles.  Though it was tiring, it was nice to get a feel for what the other churches were like.  I’m going to try to remember to take pictures inside the churches.  The Greenland church is a log cabin, but it is beautiful. 

Well, I’d better bring this post to a close.  We are currently sitting in our car in a parking lot, using someone’s wireless in town.  We’ve tried to get DSL at our house for 2 weeks, but they finally realized that there aren’t any towers that reach our house.  Israel and I both have a lot of work to do online so we’ve been having to go into town almost every day.  And you can imagine how much the baby enjoys these Internet ventures.  (It’s my turn to watch the baby so Israel can get some work done.)  Until next time…

4 thoughts on “Signs of the Times”

  1. So the internet thing is going to turn out to be a ‘never’ thing?? That’s terrible. You should write to them and suggest to have a tower put up right by that bridge. Anyway, hope things are well, and that the leaves are nice. It hasn’t quite turned yet here, but it’s getting there…

  2. i really like imanuel’s hat!where can i get one?your post makes me want to come visit.maybe i’ll pitch a tent in your backyard and take my classes by correspondence. =)
    sorry to hear about the internet situation.but in a way, i’m not that sorry.i don’t know about you,but i find that when i don’t have regular internet access,it helps my life slow down–which is always needed!i know it’s an inconvenience,but in some ways, i hope it’ll be a blessing in disguise. =)
    btw, did you know that phen200 has a xanga?!

  3. I guess you don’t have cable internet access either uh?…have you heard of dialup?;)no, seriously… you should look into it so you at least have something when you get ‘snowed in’The news of the internet situation just ruined any chances of us moving to houghton and working from home..! buah!!

  4. haha… mendezes gave you zero eprops. actually, you might be able to get cable internet. I don’t see why not. Unless, of course you live in a remote section of the northern Upper Peninsula of Michigan… oh, wait. Nevermind. I think you’ll have plenty to do once the snow comes. I think the stacking hay idea is great, unless of course you fall out of a tree, in which case you should’t worry since the villagers will come and help (once they see Mandoo trying to help out.) BTW, did you know that Shannen Dougherty was once in LHOTP??

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