The Day Has Arrived…

It’s official.  As of yesterday night, Imanuel Alexander has learned to crawl!  Today would put him at 7 months and 20  days.  He sorta got the hang of it yesterday, but today, we could really consider him mobile.  Since the last post on him, he’d get up on all fours quite a bit, but when he wanted to move, he would always end up on his tummy and be squirming around.  The next step was when he discovered the fun of rocking back and forth on all fours.  Then, it was like he would rock back and forth and then lunge onto his stomach to try to reach his destination.   He quickly learned that if his back was against something sturdy like my leg or the couch, he could lunge/scoot even farther.  And all of a sudden, yesterday evening, something just clicked.  He came to the realization that if he moved his arms while lunging off his knees (or foot…you’ll see from the pictures) that he could get to where he wanted to go.  This usually happens to be towards any electronic device (laptop, phone, cords).  I think he gets that from his cousin, Juan.    You can imagine how our prayers are going to modify.

As for updates from the past month: 
1.  Imanuel started eating SOLID finger food – Cheerios.  He still hasn’t gotten the hang of letting go of the cereal when he brings his hand to his mouth. 
2.  We FINALLY bought a “high chair”…we actually just bought a booster seat.  I would usually just feed him while he was sitting on my lap.  Let’s just say that the investment has been WELL worth it. 
3.   IA has grown a new tooth!  Upper right central incisor.  His upper left one is about to cut through…
4.  Speaking of growing, we’ve graduated him to size 4 diapers.  It’s for weights 26-36lbs.  Imanuel is 22lbs but I think his belly and legs are a little on the chunky side.  
5.  We are slowly weaning him away from the bottle and to the cup and/or sippy cup.  He really enjoys the novelty of it.  They say it’s better to do this now rather than when their older and become attached.

Here are some pictures of him crawling and some other ones from this past month.  (I also added some pics from our CA trip to the previous post.)


What Imanuel looks like when he wakes up from a nap.

“Look, I’m doing the splits!”  HAHAHA!  He wasn’t smiling for long.  He put himself in this position and couldn’t get himself out of it!

Right when I took the picture, Bentley got on his hind legs and licked up a Cheerio.  He would do something like that.

Bentley sporting his sweater.  He was shivering uncontrollably so I put it on him.  Can you see the distress in his eyes?  (He hates his sweater.)


The baby is very irritated because he was napping a little too long (pushing 4 hours!) and so I had to go in there to wake him up.  He didn’t appreciate that and started flailing his legs around.  He kept his eyes closed and thumb in mouth the whole time.

We thought this picture was hilarious.  He gives this half-look-of-exhilaration and half-I’m-about-to-bust-out-laughing face quite often.  He’s quite a character.

It is such a JOY to watch our son grow and change!  It’s often so sad, though, because we can never go back in time.  The baby’s earlier stages are over and we just have to trust that what’s ahead will be better than what we’ve already experienced.  In the same way, I feel that as Christians, we need to press on, and continue to grow and develop!  And when we look back, I hope we find ourselves happier now than we have ever been in the past. 

9 thoughts on “The Day Has Arrived…”

  1. i love that last paragraph!  yes, we as Christian are constantly growing and developing as long as we press on and rely on God to guide us.  when we look back, we realize that we are much happier than we were in the past! 

  2. I can’t believe he’s crawling. I just missed it! I’m glad to at least be able to see pictures, though. 🙂 Seriously, though…he’s going to be so good-looking when he grows up. He’s getting cuter every day. (But don’t tell him that. We don’t want him to become conceited.)

  3. Wow! I can’t believe it! He’s getting to be such a big boy!!! Crawling already!!! You did a GREAT job capturing the crawling on picture. All of the pictures are so cute. I really like the one of you two looking at each other also. Wish we could be there to see the changes as they happen–they are happening so fast! Who knows, maybe he’ll be walking by GYC!?!? By the way—speaking of electronics, Daniel actually let Juan type on his old laptop yesterday. You should have seen them sitting there together with two laptops next to each other–Daniel typing on one and Juan typing on the other. Juan was in his glory! But like father like son: Juan wasn’t satisfied with the PC for very long and he kept trying to sneak his little fingers onto the Mac when Daniel wasn’t looking! 🙂 So watch out guys, those are the tricks he might be teaching IA at GYC. :)Missing you all…DKJ

  4. awww…sweet sweet baby. Judy, i can;t believe you’re a mom 🙂 great to see so many photos! thanks for finding us too! also, wow! you’re brother’s married too…congrats to him. La venta Inn is a beautiful place. That’s where Joe proposed to me on that veranda with the sun-setting in the background. They opened up that place just for us to use. I can imagine how wonderful his wedding must’ve been. send our best to him.

  5. Imanuel is so good looking! Good thing he doesn’t look like Judy when she was a baby… hehe. Don’t let him grow up too fast without spending time with Uncle Jukes and Aunt Aileen!

  6. i don’t know…he’s a little too good looking right now. that means he’s going to turn out like israel and be ugly when he grows up…all the namm’s were ugly when we were babies…that’s why we’re all good looking now…=]

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