This morning, Bentley and/or Chance brought us sad tidings…on our back deck.  A little dead mole.  Upon inspection, we discovered that it was already dead when the pet(s) found it.  What a sad reminder of the days ahead! 

Many animals won’t survive the winter for lack of food/warmth as it is.  But what makes things worse is that on November 15th, the children will have a day off of school and many will join their dads to go hunting.  While many think the laws for hunting make it humane (they are only allowed to kill bucks with at least 5 points), the does and fawns become victims as well.  All of the deer will be on the run for their lives.  In desperation, many of them will run across cities and roads and end up as road kill.  As it is, deer pose a threat to drivers and cars.  Imagine what it will be like when the deer are all on the run.  I hate hunting!  And, I believe something is wrong when people get a thrill out of hunting and killing a living creature*.
If you guys are studying the Sabbath School lesson, you’ll know that last week’s lesson focused on how God charged Adam to be the caretakers of all that is in the earth.  (And this would include fish–you can see where I would go if I didn’t hear Imanuel starting to wake up.)  I believe Christians ought to be responsible stewarts of God’s creation, not only because He commanded us to do so, but because we love Him. 
*And if people really want to eat meat, they can go to the store and buy it.

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There, I’ll get off my soap-box now.  I just had to get that off my chest…


4 thoughts on “DOA”

  1. I agree, Judy. Lately, I’ve been more and more convinced that we’re not taking care of our planet (including its animals) properly. And the worst part is that there is an increasing amount of roadkill, even here! It kills me. And before, I never used to claim that my vegetarianism had anything to do with the “poor fuzzy little animals.” But now… God has changed me! =)

  2. hey judy…. i’m sorry to hear about the animals… yeah… i remember crying so much when i watched bambi as a kid. i think what killed the sensitivity, for animals, in me was when my elem. teacher would bring in road kill for us to dissect. yeah… she could probably go to jail now, but i guess that’s what happens when you go to a little school out in the boonies. hehe. hope you are surviving the cold cuz i’m about to die here. ;Op hk

  3. preach it sister! (and then when you are on the run because they are chasing you.. come back down to A2) ;)I agree and I do feel bad for the animals… I’m glad you did not address fishing on your post.. I know many people who like it….It is better to separate it into 2 posts ha! :)-Daniel

  4. oh, that’s so sad! 🙁 the little qt has grown so much since the last time i saw him, i miss this summer, oh well, God is blessing here at OHA!! have a wonderful day and GB! 🙂 🙂

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