Contemplating Heavenly Things

(We read this for part of our morning worship this morning.) 

“If we follow Christ we shall not have a spasmodical experience, and be moved by circumstances and influenced by our surroundings.  We shall not let feelings control us, and indulge in fretting, envying, faultfinding, jealousy, and vanity.”

“When petty trials come upon us, and words are spoken that cut and bruise the soul, speak to yourself and say, ‘I am a child of God, heir with Jesus Christ, a colaborer with heaven, and I cannot afford to easily take offense, to be always thinking of self; for this will produce a distorted character, and is unworthy of my high calling.  My heavenly Father has given me a work to do, and let me do it worthily for His name’s sake.’

Signs of the Times, July 10, 1893

(I need to paste the second part right next to the GYC phone.)

5 thoughts on “Contemplating Heavenly Things”

  1. This ministered to my heart.  Thanks, Ramoses!  I had been praying that God would give me some inspiration this week about sticking it out in my workplace.  It is so easy to become flip and wounded after our feelings are battered over and over.  Yet, in order to reflect our higher calling, let us go about our days, our work with a purposefulness that cannot be exhausted, hey?
    Blessings, and once again, thanks!

  2. Awwww, Judy. Sorry for the GYC trials!! Keep your chin up, soon the rush will be over. BTW, I used to have a “piano” like Imanuel’s one in the profile. It looks like you have an aspiring musician on your hands!

  3. hey judy!yeah i’m trying to build up a good documentary collectionsome good ones that i have are”To be and to have” about a small one room school in the countryside of france”The boys of baraka” about a group of boys from maryland selected to study in kenya”Beyond the gates of splendor” about jim elliot and his five missionary friends who get killed by the tribe they went to serve…and about the wives who went back to live and continue to minister to the people, which led to the conversion of almost the entire tribethere are more that i haven’t purchased yet.. but am still collecting :)hope you guys are doing well up there!! ~ see you at gyc!

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