Week with Grandma

Last week, my mom came up to visit.  She stayed with us for a week and it was SUCH a blessing.  Israel was gone for most of the time for Ruth’s wedding and then a pastors’ meeting in Lansing.  She helped me keep sane by taking care of the baby, cleaning, and cooking!  🙂  The rest of the time (after I finished GYC stuff), we watched these Korean videos called “Dae Jang-Gum”, went into the sauna to sweat it out, and went food shopping at Walmart.  It was so nice to have her here and I didn’t want her to leave!  Here are some pictures from that week.

One of the many piggy-back rides from Grandma.

Fighting for Grandma’s lap.

After coming home from church.

A picture in honor of one of baby’s favorite aunts.  (Hint:  The picture and she have the same name.)

Grandma and baby in front of Lake Superior.

AND, a glimpse into the near future..

He pulled himself up for the first time in this picture- (yes, onto a pile of board games)!  Now he tries to pull himself up onto everything…

Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  God has been so faithful in His Goodness to us.  We hope all of you enjoy this weekend with family and loved ones.  We’ll have to post about this long weekend soon.  We’re having a blast with our guests (Jenny, Sebastien, Sikhu, and Dan)…Take care!

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