Thanksgiving Break: Part I

They left earlier this morning and the house seems so empty and quiet.  It really was such a blessing to be able to spend time with Christian friends.   We appreciated the quality time together in nature, eating good food together, playing games, laughing, going shopping, uplifting conversations, and even discovering who “Satan’s best buddies” are (sermon by C.D. Brooks).  We are sad to see our friends go, but we’re glad that in about month we’ll see them again at GYC!  🙂  Here are some pictures that will help us remember the memories from this past week.

Playing Trump…”You’re fired.”

Playing on the GIANT playground…

The giant slide that we took turns going down…

Dan failed to read this sign and went face first and even went down backwards…(or did he?!) 

Posing by the canal…

Dan trying to throw Jen in the lake…but PTL he showed mercy.

Next to an Isle Royale boat

The beautiful U.P. sunset

Sikhu and Jen in front of the Houghton/Hancock bridge…

Being buddy-buddy and running Sikhu into the tree…

The shepherd and his lamb…

Jen and Imanuel

On the computer and/or sleeping–what Sebastien did most of the time…(Because “he hates nature”.) 

Imanuel and Sikhu bonding…

Some of the food we had for Thanksgiving (Tofurkey, fried “turkey” nuggets, mole, tamales, corn muffin stuffing, mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, Dinner Roast, and more).  We spent the whole day cooking.

THEN, we played a “fun and exciting Thanksgiving game”. 

After that, we played the paper game.  Winners beat the Losers by 1 point.  Bentley was the frisbee holder.

Jen showing everyone how to eat Ramen.  Bjorn watches carefully…Imanuel watches Sikhu carefully.

Israel throwing up the sign for the cooking gang he joined.

Bjorn, waiting to eat after working at Cyberia all day long.  He even got Israel and Dan (BURNING) HOT APPLE CIDERS.  None for the girls.  Thanks, Bjorn. 

Friday night after vespers, we practiced our song for special music the next day.  Dan conducted while Israel arranged the hymn for us.

The girls, Sikhu, Yunis, and Jen practicing the song on the couch.  We sang “He Leadeth Me”.

Imanuel eating lunch.

Bentley showing Dan his impression of a psycho dog.  Pretty good, yeah?

What Sikhu did all Thanksgiving Break long.  We couldn’t stop her…

There are a whole bunch of other pictures that Yunis took with her camera, so once I get those from her, I’ll post those.  It would include pictures of our special music, going to the lake, and just hanging out.  We also watched 3 DVDs.  They were all pretty horrible…especially “Aliens of the Deep”, with most of it showing the evolutionist scientists and the green cartoon blob, and not enough of the actual animals!  Also, there was the other documentary (that we won’t mention) that JEN suggested.  Dan is scarred for life.  Actually, we probably all are.  Thanks, Jen.  You’re officially disqualified from suggesting good videos to watch. 

We miss all of you guys already.  We prayed for you guys tonight during our evening worship.  We hope you had as much fun with us as we did.  May God bless your trip home and keep you safe!

14 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Break: Part I”

  1. Oh honey!!! It looks like you guys had sooo much fun. I love the pics. (FYI: I got a digital camera for an early Christmas/b-day present. Pictures on my xanga to come soon.)Miss you guys! 🙂

  2. awww~~~ wish i could have been there to chill wid u guys!when will IAR get a chance to bond with ME?! so sad *teardrop*looks pretty cold up there…it’s been inthe 70s for the last couple days..if ya wanna thaw c’mon down south and visit me! =) miss u guys! =)

  3. yeah, good times… I think I’m going to go into depression for the next few days as I face the huge contrast between that week and the week to come… PS. Might I remind you who picked (according to Dan) the WORST DOCUMENTARY HE EVER SAW? (ahem, Judy.) I say next time we skip the movies and just watch the Food Network. =) I cracked up at some of those pictures (and captions.) See you guys soon (December.)

  4. Judy unnie, I’m healed! Charcoal cured me from the cat scratch. Thank you for administering the time-tested medication.Glad I get to see Imanuel again soon, because you know, that was the most fun part of my time up there :)It was such a relaxing break. I had such a great time. Ramoses – Thank you!!!

  5. So much fun!!!! Wish we could have been there and here at the same time. We’ll have to start planning our Houghton vacation soon. Juan is going to want to check out that playground! 🙂 We’re missing all of you and can’t wait to see you next month! P.S. Can’t believe Imanuel is standing up already!!! We’re missing out on so much. 🙁

  6. wish i was there… looks like you had so much fun. that pic of jenny eating ramen is classic. CLASSIC. I can;t wait to see Mr. Cutie Pie himself. I JUST CAN’T WAIT! Good to see that you guys are doing well!

  7. You guys live near Isle Royale? I have ALWAYS wanted to visit that place. Supposedly, there are moose on that island. Next time you go, please take a picture of one for me. And… it looks like it was a fantastic holiday. haha… Bentley looked psycho in that one picture. We watched a strange history documentary on Thanksgiving, too. But it wasn’t gross and I don’t regret watching it. I’m just not sure I believe it. I might write about that on my blog.

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