Why Women are Blessed

Imanuel Alexander has been the single-most powerful example of the fact that love is
a gift from God and it gives just a glimpse of God’s undying love for us.  I think the love a mother has for her child is the most natural love that exists despite our fallen nature.   A mother loves her child simply because that child belongs to her and came from her….and in many ways, is a part of her.

Love for a spouse is different.  It is not as natural as the love for your child.  It does not come as easily as with your child.  But this type of love is strongest when there is a complete, intentional surrender of yourself to the other person.  This type of love requires work.  Some require more work than others.  When all is said and done, (and the honeymoon stage is over), love, at times, can be the most difficult choice to make.  

In our human experience, particularly as women, God has given us these two important opportunities to understand and experience His love for us, and how ours ought to be for Him.  God loves us because He made us and we are His.  God desires to take us under His wings as a hen gathers her chicks, as a mother desires to protect her child.  That is God’s love.  And, God desires us to love Him, as a bride loves her bridegroom.  This love is a choice and at times can be a difficult one.  After the emotions die down, this love does not come naturally to us, but rather, it takes work, as we search His heart through the Word.  It takes a convincing that His love for us is well worth it.  We love Him because we realize that He first loved us. 

As a woman…as a mother and a bride, God’s love has become more real to me.  Much more so than before I had the latter two titles.  It gives me encouragement that through the best and worst in our roles and relationships, God is teaching me how to love Him.   That is the ultimate goal.   In the end, no matter what type of relationships we have, (and we all have relationships), when we experience true love for someone, it should point us to our Lord.

It IS true.  Love never fails.

I’m thankful for my baby and my earthly bridegroom who teach me every moment of the day how to love my Lord better, (sometimes at their expense).   I’m also thankful for everyday people that challenge me to the fact that the love I have for my family, ought to be the love that I have for them as well. 

Lord, help us love as You do!

7 thoughts on “Why Women are Blessed”

  1. Judy + post about love = Judy must be married and have a kid.  See you at GYC…and you too Israel if you’re reading this.  Come back with a manly post man. 

  2. This was beautiful Judy…I appreciated the depth of this post very much…it rings with truth.Women everywhere hear, hear! ;)Being a wife and mother truly opens ones eyes to things before unexperienced and unseen, and like you said, is a powerful means that God uses to reveal insights into Himself that one is finally able to identify with at a deeper level. God bless you as discover more insights into His love that truly NEVER fails!

  3. Al, this post is much more manly than it seems. Read it again and you’ll catch how manly it really is. Thanks for the post Judy. Just now really reading it as I’m at the airport. Love you. Sorry about the car this morning :)Al, see you at GYC, bro. Keep those folk in A2 straight. And I’ll post something on your site 🙂

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