Imanuel Pics & Israel Update

Last week, we received a special package from Frank and Melinda.  They had sent us a box full of Owen’s clothes for Imanuel.  We were so thankful because Imanuel was just beginning to outgrow the rest of his 12 month clothes and I had JUST been talking to Israel about how we need to get Imanuel some more bigger clothes.   Praise God for generous people (with good taste)!  And, we’re hoping that some of Owie’s cuteness will rub off onto Imanuel as he grows up wearing his clothes.    Thanks again, Owie and his parents!

We like to call this the “Stephen Row Outfit”.  For those of you who remember, Stephen would ALWAYS wear his paperboy cap…even with a gym suit! 

This is the FIRST thing that the baby responds to by command (without hand gestures- he can do “give me five”).  Whenever you tell him to stretch, he does what you see above.  It’s quite funny.

“Daddy, is there someting on my face?”

“Why are you laughing at me?!  That’s not very nice!”

Imanuel is getting more and more fun each day, but he is also getting to be more of a handful.  It seems he has the memory of an elephant, because no matter where I place him in the house, he always remembers where his favorite hot spots are:
1.  The dog bowl (especially when full of dog food)
2.  The computer cords
3.  Dog bone(s) (wherever they landed last)
4.  GYC registration forms or minor consent forms (aka: the papers laying around the house)
5.  Crumbs of food on the floor
6.  Daddy’s important church papers

An Israel Update:

Israel is (as we speak) on his way to Ecuador for some youth meetings there.  Please pray for those meetings.  I think something exciting is happening there.  And, I’d like to take advantage of the situation (and the fact that the baby is sleeping, GYC phone is not ringing, and no GYC emails in inbox) to address the sauna* burning incident.   

*Sauna is indeed pronounced, <SAH-oo-nah> – it’s a Finnish word and up here, almost everyone is a Fin.  Our (Korean) parents actually pronounced something right when we thought they were wrong!

SAUNA Incident:
Israel had the fire going downstairs and when it got hot enough, the guys (Sebastien, Dan, and himself) went in.  It is a dry sauna, however, Israel enjoys wet saunas better.  It makes you sweat faster and so less time sitting in the room waiting.  So, in order to create a wet sauna effect, Israel had put a pot of water on top of the burning rocks so the water would evaporate.  When that didn’t steam quickly enough, he decided to pour the water directly on top of the rocks.  The water that he was pouring was already hot because, remember, he already had that water sitting on the rocks for a while.  So, when he poured the already hot water on the rocks, the steam shot up suddenly, and while Israel jerked his head to face away from the steam, he also jerked his hand which was carrying some of the hot water and he splashed himself…and Sebastien’s arm.
His face peeled, but with the help of our plant friends, aloe vera, his skin has regrown. 

That’s all for now.  Can’t believe there’s only 2 weeks until GYC!   Hopefully we’ll be able to see a lot of you there! 

9 thoughts on “Imanuel Pics & Israel Update”

  1. Ha ha ha…I heard about the Israel-sauna incident. I didn’t know it got Sebastien’s arm, though. Imanuel’s stretches are too cute. I can’t wait to see him! Glad to hear you had a short break from GYC. So how long did it last? 🙂 See you very soon.

  2. oh brother! I did not know about “the sauna incident”…the outside burns are the least concern, but the trauma care is going to be very expensive, time to break the piggy bank Judy!;)Immanuel is so big and so cute.. I like his hairdo 🙂

  3. My turn: 🙂 Daniel & I were just taking a quick peek at some old Juan pictures and saw some of Imanuel too. It’s soooo amazing the difference several months can make in babies! They’ve grown so much it’s sad they couldn’t be together for so long. They’ll have to do a lot of catching up at GYC. I’m sure the hotel will have plenty of power cords. :)Just kidding. Actually Juan has (eventually)gotten really good about not touching a lot of things that are off limits, so there’s hope. Imanuel is such a cutie! I love the pictures. We miss all three of you so much and can’t wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. judy! those pictures are soooo cute! i’m laughing at my computer screenimanuel’s so cute i can’t handle it!will he be at gyc?can’t wait to see you guys there!

  5. This is Israel…FROM ECUARDOR. Thought this to be urgent enough for me to post right now. Some of those sauna facts are WRONG. (Judy, you should be ashamed of yourself!

  6. jeannie called me to tell me about these pics… baby is looking sooooo cute. what did i tell you? and on a different note: i must say… love love love the banter you guys! haha. can’t wait to see you guys, although i don;t know how much of you guys i will actually see since i THINK baby will be a people magnet. actually i am certain he will be.

  7. lizziexpoo is right…Imanuel is going to be a people magnet at GYC. Judy, can I reserve him for an hour at some point during the conference? We need some re-bonding time. I’m not going to allow him to forget his Auntie Stephanie. 🙂

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