GYC, Pastoring, and North CAMPUS

The following picture montage just happens to be representative of the three ministries that we are blessed to be a part of.  The GYC pics were taken by Daniel Mendez (and I hope I won’t get sued by Mr. Mendez or GYC for using them!)  GYC is a ministry that is near and dear to our hearts and it always amazes us to think how far God has brought it.  It is proof that God still works miracles if by faith, we dream big enough. 
The next pictures were taken at the winter ministerial retreat at Camp Au Sable.  Israel was so blessed by the meetings and he’s made specific commitments to God as a result.  He’s made great friends and was inspired by many mentors.  Judy was able to hang out with Tamara Conway, Gina Stearman, and other “shepherdesses”- or as Justin Kim likes to call them, “the shepherdess’ staffs”.  Thanks, Justin.  Imanuel was able to meet many of the PKs (pastor’s kids) his size.  So, it was nice for him to finally socialize with other babies.  Hopefully it’ll carry him over the next few months.  Pastoring has really impacted our experience in ministry and we’re really enjoying it.
And lastly and most recently, we’ve begun our newest ministry with the two universities in our area – Michigan Tech and Finlandia University.  We are so excited that Alanna Knapp has relocated up here to assist with expanding CAMPUS to the upper penninsula.  It’s called North CAMPUS.  God is blessing the ministry already and we ask for your continued prayers!

General Youth Conference:

GYC 2006:  “By Every Word” in Baltimore, MD

Imanuel with Uncle Sebastien

Israel with Imanuel and Juan are happy after eating.

Imanuel and Judy posing for Uncle Daniel’s camera.

Justin says “the pledge” to Israel, David stares in disbelief, and the baby faints.

Israel saying “hi” to his mom on live television during the worship service.  (His mom wasn’t even watching!)

In the lobby of the Sheraton with Kerri and Juan before parting…

At Ministerial:

Michigan Conference Ministerial Retreat at Camp Au Sable – Jan. 21-25, 2007

The lake frozen over.

Israel and his pastor buddies:  Ilko, Eddie, and David

Imanuel and his PK buddies:  Elisha McKenzie and Abby Stearman

Imanuel and Aunt Staci

Gabriel Stearman and Imanuel Ramos – yooper buddies  


Bjorn, Andy, and Idaliza – North CAMPUS students

Bjorn, Heidi, Pete, and Alanna at Houghton church

Bjorn, Yunis, Idaliza, Andy, Israel, and Imanuel after Friday vespers

9 thoughts on “GYC, Pastoring, and North CAMPUS”

  1. you guys live such a beautiful life. yikes! i hope i can live at least a half as inspiring a life as yours. :O) life! hk

  2. “yikes!”  this just makes me miss you guys all the more.  The first thought that went through my mind at the last picture was that I could visit you in 2 hours.  And then I remembered.  Oh yeah.  Times that by FIVE.  Miss Mandoo a lot.  Maybe I’m biased but he seems much more vibrant and ruddy than any of the other babies he’s with.  I pray that God’s light will be his out-shining as he continues to grow under your care…  
    Yeah, so I miss you guys.  Keep in touch.  Keeping the “thing” in prayer.  😉

  3. Hey, watch it Jen! I think that little Mendez boy is pretty “vibrant and ruddy” too! Ha Ha. We know that by the time you got to the bottom of the pictures you just forgot that he was in there with Imanuel too, RIGHT????? 🙂 😆 We still love you.And don’t worry about using the pictures guys. No sueing will happen….Unless we can sue for some of Israel’s Cilantro Pesto. I tried to make it for my parents the other day after talking about it so much and I was really missing Israel. It turned out ok I guess, but NO comparison! Missing you guys LOTS and looking forward to DK&J

  4. Great photo essay! It was so good to spend time with you and baby last week. I’m so glad you are part of the pastoral team now. Must also thank you for the hearty laugh I received when reading your caption above about the pledge, the look, and the fainting baby. I don’t know why, but it really tickled me!

  5. Man, I miss you guys a lot! You’re coming to the retreat, right?By the way…Justin was cringing as he was experiencing heartburn. David was keeping an eye on him to make sure he would be alright.

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