An Answered Prayer…hopefully

No joke– the very day after I wrote the entry about Imanuel being an easy baby and sleeping so much, he got really bad.  He started throwing fits and temper tantrums, waking up in the middle of the night, and screaming whenever he didn’t get his own way.  We couldn’t believe it.  It literally happened over night!  We started praying.  I prayed every night with the baby that God would change his heart and help him to be more patient, teachable, gentle, you name it.  I particularly asked God to give me wisdom on how to deal with the situation, because I assumed that God wouldn’t just turn Imanuel into a perfect child overnight.  We had no idea what to do.  To make things worse, we all went to the ministerial retreat at Camp Au Sable and he kept waking up in the middle of the night and would just cry no matter what we did (except when we gave him some milk).  We had neighbors on the other side of the thin walls.  It was a very stressful situation.  (Comparable to your baby screaming on an airplane–NOT FUN.)  Anyhow, I was really discouraged…
On the second to last day of the retreat, I was talking with Elder Nelson (ministerial director) about how terrible the baby has gotten, seemingly overnight, and how Israel and I have no idea how to discipline our baby.  Then, he said, “Are you sure he’s not teething?  He seems to be drooling a lot.”   I looked at the baby and I did notice that he was drooling a lot.  It had been about 4 months since his last tooth grew in, so “teething” has not been in our vocabulary for quite some time…but it did seem logical, but too good to be true.  Later on that evening when the baby was more settled, I took a peek in his mouth and I couldn’t believe my eyes!  His two upper lateral incisors had poked out of his gums and his two upper cuspids were just barely visible!  That’s 4 new teeth that have come in and we didn’t even notice!  I praised the Lord.   
Imanuel has gotten much better the past few days.  He’s back to sleeping 14 hours at night, however, he does still act out at times and it’s getting more and more difficult to tell whether it’s because he’s tired, teething, or flat-out rebelling.  And, we still need to decide how we’re going to train and discipline him.  I tried slapping his hand  and flicking (really hard–HONEST!) while saying “NO” very firmly, but he always ends up laughing at me or giving me a puzzled look…and then giggling, like I’m playing a game with him.  He’s not used to me being so serious with him (because there wasn’t much need to prior) so he doesn’t know how to handle it yet.  We may start trying the “time-out” thing.  Well, we’re just thankful that what appeared to be “terrible-twos” behavior hadn’t come prematurely like we had initially thought.  What a relief!
Anyway, we continue to pray that God will give us wisdom to know how to properly train Imanuel to possess ALL of the fruits of the Spirit – even at this young age!  (Hey, we believe in miracles, right?  )

12 thoughts on “An Answered Prayer…hopefully”

  1. Wow.  Mandoo is getting his teeth!  Praise God that he’s not suddenly a(n early) terrible two-er.  Hopefully once his teeth all grow in you don’t have to worry about guessing the reason for his rebellion.  =)  I know that with praying parents like you guys he can grow up to be strong in the LORD. 
    ..and isn’t it terrible how he always seems to get like this when you guys are away from home?  That is a great picture of him in your profile, btw. 
    miss you folks. 

  2. wow, life is getting interesting around there, I see!!! You’re doing a good job….I guess that I’d be worried about the same thing. Praying for you guys and for the great responsibility you have. And praise God for more teeth! (oh, by the way, I THINK that i felt the baby moving…..and it’s pretty often…it must be the hard candies I eat, hehehhe)

  3. I’ll try to get some good pics of his teeth. When he smiles though, you can only see his two bottom teeth. The top 6 are almost always covered by his upper lip! I think he gets his smile from me… -jr

  4. Lately I have been having problems with Andy too. I thought it was because I had spoiled him, but after reading your post, I am beginning to think he is just being a baby. Who knows…maybe teething. He has six teeth and bulging gums beside them. Or maybe he is really spoiled. He throws temper tantrems when he doesn’t get his way…I know that is NOT teething. He has no comprehension of  the word “no.” It is good to hear (ok so it really isn’t good, but nice to know I am not alone) that other babies…even little angels like Imanuel…get fussy and act out. I know that I need to be consistent and all…but Andy is really stubborn. I guess he comes by it honestly. I shudder to think that I will have a wild child on my hands.

  5. I’ll ask Mom if she has any ideas for you. She seems to be the expert on training babies and children. Maybe you should go to her seminar at Women’s Retreat in April! 🙂

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