8 thoughts on “Almost a year”

  1. no kidding (re steph’s comment.)  He looks like a little man…  and he’s beginning to look more and more like Israel…  (I edited out the next two sentences in order to preserve our friendship.)  =)   But I miss you guys!  Hope you’re braving the cold. 

  2. He’s one sharp lookin kid. Maybe he’ll be a lawyer. ;]You two must be so proud.I can’t wait to see what Imanuel is going to contribute to the world around him.I’m sure he’s already started. :]

  3. 11months where has time gone? Today Andy is 9months. I know it isn’t exact but now he has been on the outside as long as he was on the inside. It seems like we have had him forever and the pregnancy was so fast. Strange, when I was pregnant it seemed like FOREVER.

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