Happy 1st Birthday, Imanuel Alexander!

Today is Imanuel’s first birthday!  He is one year old.  Wow, it is very hard to believe how quickly time can fly by.  Below we’ve posted a few sneak-peak pics of what we did to celebrate.  Can you guess where we are right now?    The full post will come soon.

It’s been a while since we’ve updated, but so many fun and exciting things have happened since winter carnival!  We want to blog our many adventures so hopefully within the next couple weeks, we will find time to do that.

Lots more to come from this past week…

17 thoughts on “Happy 1st Birthday, Imanuel Alexander!”

  1. Happy birthday, Imanuel!!  And a happy belated to the guy from whom loins he sprung…  heh heh…  (what is this post rated, anyway?)
    It looks like you guys are having a blast.  I can almost smell the warm breezes.  You guys are such a blessing…  special prayer for the young one today, and for his watchguards… 

  2. We know where you are. You can’t hide from us. (ha ha) But we won’t spoil your future posts by disclosing this top secret information. (It sure looks like la patria to me though). Happy Birthday Imanuel!!! We love you and will celebrate soon.

  3. Dear Ramosito,So you just turned 1.  It’s pretty fantastic, isn’t it?  In one year, you’ve learned to roll over, crawl, even ask for food without Mom and Dad having to predict based on your last feeding.  You’ve got a few more teeth and a few more hairs than when we first met you a year ago.  How many of us can really say that about ourselves?  Also, you have a LOT of toys, even Harbojee gave you a special green “Christmas golfball.”  That’s a sign that you’re well-loved.  Not that the number of toys in your lot is equivalent to the amount of love in your life…just that when the people who care about you pick things out for you that they really think you’ll like a whole lot, then that’s saying somethin’, chiquito.  I’m really excited to get to know you better in the coming years, IA.  The most important things for you to do right now, though, are to just be the best and most pleasant and most healthy kid you can be.  Go easy on your parents.  You’re getting pretty heavy and fairly handsome, too.  Those things, when coupled, can be a tremendous burden to parents.  Please know that you are only a source of delight to us all, though, and I hope and pray that I can someday have a son who’s as charming and lovable as you.
    Smooches,Imo Kendra

  4. wow, nothing can top Kendra unnie’s post!but I just wanted to add my birthday “wishes” to Imanuel (belated – but I was thinking of him yesterday!)

  5. wow, can’t believe he’s already 1 year old! God is good! Happy Birthday IA! …..and it seems you guys are somewhere in California? or Mexico? Enjoy your time and your little one. He’s growing so fast it seems!….before you blink, he’ll start dating …hehehehe

  6. happy bday to imanuel and happy day to the dad and mom!! he’s such a big boy now and i’m so glad that i got to see him and judy for the short time. judy, i’m not kidding, i almost cried when i had to say bye to you. hyun said i was being a baby.

  7. Happy busday my baby love! AUntie Liz is so late! BUT she sends you buckets and buckets of LOVE and wishes that you grow to be a God fearing man- healthy and strong, tall like Daddy and caring like Mommy… *MUAH* x a gabillion (as long as i can get away with it… hahaha…)

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