
We just got home this past Thursday after coming back from Mexico for a week and then spending a few days at my parents’ while Israel had New in Ministry meetings in Lansing.  We went on a vacation with Israel’s parents to Cancun from Israel’s birthday (Feb. 26) until the day after Imanuel’s birthday (Mar. 4).  (We didn’t have Internet or phone access so we weren’t able to wish Kelly a happy birthday on the 2nd!)  It was the first vacation (not including visiting family/friends) that we had taken as a family and it was our first international one too.  A new law was passed stating that from January 2007, babies would need to have a passport to travel internationally (-Thanks, Melinda for the tip!!!) so thankfully we got Imanuel his passport on time so we could actually go!  The weather was beautiful, the view was breath-taking, and the time spent was very relaxing…except for when Imanuel got sick.  It’s a long story, so I won’t go into any more details.  The food there was great.  Fruit there was particularly delicious.  It was a nice time…but we are also very glad to be home.  We’re realizing that when you have a baby, there’s no place like home! 

Anyhow, here are some pics from our memorable trip.  The best part was that Imanuel was able to spend so much time with “La La” (Abuela), and “Ito” (Abuelito)!

the view of the ocean from our hotel balcony

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hanging out with Abuelo

walking along the beach

taking a swim in the swimming pool!  IA’s first!

Imanuel loved splashing in the water the most.

— Our Trip to Tulum & Xel-Ha —

Mayan Ruins (and can you spot the camouflaged iguana?)

Iguanas were all over Cancun!

getting Sabbath rest at the beach

eating yummy mangoes!  another IA first and he loved them!

Abuelo shaved his mustache just so it wouldn’t scratch Imanuel’s face when he gave him kisses.  That was very sweet. 

— Imanuel’s Birthday! —

after one of many sunscreen applications…he’s ready to go swimming!

brunch at the poolside

right after he smeared his birthday flan

his first taste of flan!

and he did not like it!  he actually gagged.

taking a swim with Abuelo

a picture on the balcony

Ramos men in the hotel lobby

Imanuel’s Abuelo and Abuela!

“Thank you for making my birthday so memorable!”

14 thoughts on “Mexico”

  1. awesome pics, glad you had a great time…man, that’s some crazy good weather, and did I mention that Imanuel is getting even more cute than the really cute he was at?  The goatee on Israel, on the other hand…ha ha, j/k

  2. oohhh! a bunch of my indo friends just went to Cancun this past week. I shoulda tag along then I would’ve seen you guys eh? the beach looks gorgeous! and so are you all^^

  3. what a kid…  I miss him already.  Is he walking yet?
    things have been intensely busy around here, which, as you know, is extremely uncommon “up in heah” (as my students would say.) 
    Miss you guys…  I’m glad you guys got a lot of rest and blue skies and beaches in.  I feel warm just thinking about it.  Mandoo…  I wish I could say I’m happy to see you grow!  I just pray that you will not only grow physically, but ever the more spiritually…  You are a blessing to everyone.  Did you know that God bends his ear especially for praying parents?  You are blessed.  And so are your parents because of you!  Kka-kkoong!  (Even though you don’t say that anymore, huh.)

  4. That’s so cool!  Looks like a great time!  I love that picture of Israel holding Immanuel on the bed.  The facial expression is great!  Hope you guys are doing well.

  5. Man, he’s getting bigger…and cuter. I can’t believe it. The pictures are great. Thanks for posting. I always love seeing pictures of you guys. You all look fantastic. 🙂

  6. Those pictures make me sooo jealous! I’m right here in SoCal and don’t have time to cross the border! I love Imanuel’s little tongue sticking out! So cute!

  7. Did Israel get Montezuma’s revenge?  If so, that is just a travesty.  I thought good mexicanos were spared that fate!  I am sorry he could not party hardy like the rest of you all.My little Ramosito is becoming a real beefcake.  Just look at him asking ‘Which way is the gym?’ all chillin’ in his swim trunks.  I miss him so much.  Does he really say LaLa and Ito?!  If so, that’s just scrumptious.My new favorite picture of you, Judy, is the one w/ Ramosito on the balcony. It is, once again, totally throwing off my designs on planned parenthood.  Ugh.

  8. Hey Kendra, he actually says “La la”. I tried teaching how to say “Abuela”, but he kept saying “La la”. So that became her new nickname. He’s working on saying “Ito”. 🙂 As for Israel and Montezuma’s revenge, in many of the pics it so does look like he has the runs, but he’s just being grumpy for the pictures…although his parents still sometimes tease him about being adopted from a Middle Eastern family…perhaps it worked as a placebo!

  9. Wow, I’m green with envy!  That must have been such a great trip.  I can’t believe how happy Israel looks.  You know, I think Imanuel looks like his abuelo – especially in the picture where Abuelo is feeding him baby jar food by the pool.  Their expressions are alike.  Too cute.  Sigh… I hope we get a Cancun trip someday…

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