Missionary Week: February 18-25, 2007

This year’s C.A.M.P.U.S. missionaries – Jose, Sikhu, Esther, Valmy, Hanna, Louise, and Nasi – and Justin, the program director came up to our place after the winter retreat at Camp Au Sable.  Israel taught them a class for the week.  Our house was PACKED to say the least.  Jose and Valmy stayed in our guest room, Jen and I stayed in our room, (yes, Jen was there as a result of the most ridiculous thing Israel’s ever done in his whole life and never ever will do again…), Imanuel got to stay in his room by himself , Justin K. and Israel stayed in the living room, and the rest of the girls stayed in the basement and guest room in the basement.  A total of 12 people, 1 dog, 2 cats, and our fish.  It really was a lot of fun!  Jen, Justin, the baby and  I left on Wednesday morning, so I can’t really speak on the rest of the week, but for the time I was there, it was great.   Israel taught the class in the basement every morning and afternoon and for the rest of the time, we did some “team-building” activities such as building an official snow shelter, making pasties (they’ve become honorary yoopers), going shopping at Walmart, and preparing and participating in “Iron Chef” competitions during the week, and sledding. 

(IR is writing now)

Part of the course dealt with integrating public campus ministry into the local church.  The missionaries did a great job at helping our churches out.  We started our prayer meeting service at the L’Anse church, hosted a dinner for Greenland and L’Anse, and had the Church services.

Valmy and Jose were the preachers.  Sikhu, Louise, and Hana did Sabbath School.  The rest also helped out.

On Saturday night, there was a surprise “party” for me.  It was a couple of days before my b-day so I was actually surprised!  Louise cooked some of my favorite Korean food and my favorite dessert: cheesecake!  Alanna rented a snowmobile for me (I think others participated in that too…thanks guys!)

The road to the shelters.  Props to Valmy who actually worked on them till the task was finished!  (Everyone else stopped!)

This is our North Face advertisment…”Never stop exploring”

Nasi is the architect, Jose is experiencing the affects of a womanistic society.

Jose got mad and reversed the roles.  We’re still wondering if Hana can see with the hat covering her eyes.

No commentoes

Since they didn’t finish, Valmy, Pastor Ilko from Marquette, and I went to finish them up (We’re covering up the entrance to keep the heat in).  Why is Jen there?  She came at the end for the pic, I guess.
(Although she was part of the first shelter team: Jen, Joey (boyscout from Houghton church), and Ironman…I mean Israel)

The original shelter…more than six feet tall.

Justin trying to get in
If you put a candle and a couple of people, the inside temp can get up to 70

Valmy looking at his work well done

Hana about to feed Manu

Iron Chefs Nasi and Jose (beat Iron Chef Justin and Sikhu)

Rice was the secret ingredient–(from left around the circle: Rice stuffed tomatoes, Rice flour tempura veggies, Rice balls, Brown rice, Rice stuffed Cabbage, Rice I don’t know what, more Rice I don’t know what, and sweet sticky rice with mango.)

Judges: Valmy, Moo-Moo, and guest star Pastor Ilko

Iron Chef Battle TOFU (sponsored by Meijer Clear Plastic Food Wrap)

Judges: Judge Judy, Justin Kim, Nasi, IR is the chairman

Iron Chef spectators watching the judges taste the food

And now it’s just us.

IR celebrating b-day gift snowmobiling with Daniel Mendez (Photo by Daniel Mendez) <—Have to put that down to avoid legal charges from these photographers

15 thoughts on “Missionary Week: February 18-25, 2007”

  1. Hi Judy, Israel and Immanuel!
    How are yall doing? I hope all is well. I’m so jealous of all the snow you guys got! Could I have your mailing address??

  2. Yes, it’d only be proper to give credit to Daniel Mendez for his photo.You know how prospective litigants and lawyers are in our litigious society!I laughed at the Judge Judy reference! =)Judy would be a serious judge to reckon with….Instilling respect and fear in the hearts of attorneys everywhere!
    Love the pictures!The Iron Chef pics reminded me of the Iron Chef competition we had at Judy’s appartment when I was a missionary.I still have vague memories of our “Sunrise Surprise” (rice + kool aid).I’m sure the competition this year was much better and less traumatic. =)

  3. Haha…  that was fun.  Those igloos were fun too.  Yes, all of them.  (I took that picture of Sikhu, and although there was no T-balling, there was some mighty hard work going on…  and some really good overseeing.  Heh heh.) 
    Glad you guys got the package.  Last minute, I had forgotten to put some more stuff in them.  Oh well.  Maybe there’ll be a second round. 
    And as for the pet food, I saw that link and freaked out but seeing that it didn’t include dry food, I heaved some relief sighs.  But anyway, miss you guys.  I had this dream of Bentley, I think.  Or maybe it was just that I was missing him.      Anyway, gtg….   talk to you guys soon…

  4. Haha, I liked the “sunrise surprise”. Wish I could’ve experienced the snow shelters! I used to try and make them when I was younger but we only had enough snow (in my entire backyard) for something half that size!

  5. Oh my goodness, I TOTALLY remember “sunrise surprise” at Azibo’s place. HAHAHA! Anyhow, yeah, the missionaries were hard-core. The food was really good!! (I mean, you missionaries back then weren’t that bad…I think you guys were just way more…risky.) 🙂 And Jen, I LOVE the new dancing calf pic! -judy

  6. hey israel, it was good talking. and judy, i promise to visit very soon! by the way, do you guys have any food leftover? =) i want to do some serious iron chef-ing against Israel! He’s constantly telling me of some latest pasta dish he’s perfected using yeastflakes. (hahaha…) I think I can take him though with my mean pesto.

  7. Ahem…I would just like to clarify the names of the dishes for secret ingredient – rice. Please find below the correct nomenclature for image #11…(For full effect, please say with a french accent)Rice stuffed tomatoes = Riz des tomates Rice balls = Balle de Riz Rice stuffed Cabbage = Riz au Cabbage/ChouSweet sticky rice with mango = Sweet sticky rice with mangoThank you, thank you, for putting us up (or putting up with us)! soooo fun.Judy unnie, it wasn’t the same after Mandoo left 🙁 …but fun nonetheless 🙂

  8. oh how cool that looks.. I can’t believe we did not venture outside in the cold to go inside of teh igloo… who took the photo from inside?btw… I can’t believe you guys did not save any food for us… we just had cereal everyday!As for the legal fees… I always give discounts to friends and church members, so no need to worry there p.s. Israel, you forgot to mention how that photo was taken… but perhaps on a future post

  9. puhaha, look at Sikhu hammering the snow!! sigh, great memories: sledding, cooking, igloos, Mandoo, class, 4 cars getting stuck in the snow on Sabbath….and of course…the SAUNA!! thanks for everything you guys!…and i love you Mandoo!

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