Baby “Talk”

It’s been a while since I posted on how Imanuel’s been doing (as far as growth and development).  My friends keep asking me if he’s walking yet.  Trust me, if he was, the whole world would know.  That’s been the biggest challenge for now…

The exciting news is that Imanuel has really taken a liking to signing.  It all started way back, when he learned how to open and close his fists (by imitation).  Then, we decided to attach meaning to that, so Imanuel learned that to be “come please”.  He used to start crying when he wanted us to come get him from his crib or playard, but once he learned that if he did that sign, we would come, he started doing that instead of crying.  Then, we noticed that Imanuel was starting to get very impatient with the pace of food going into his mouth.  This was a few months back when I wasn’t giving him as much finger food.  So, we taught him the sign for “more”.  Then he learned that if he wants more food, all he has to do is sign it.  He also knows that if he cries, he doesn’t get more food. 

I remember when I was pregnant, reading about the hype of “baby sign”.  At first I thought I wanted to do it all the way, more or less as an experiment.  Then, I read that baby sign could delay a child’s verbal speaking.  Then, I thought that maybe I could keep up with his signs so Imanuel would grow up and ASL could be his second (or third, or fourth) language!  Then, I realized that I don’t have the time & energy to teach him.  Anyhow, I think I’ve found a happy medium.  I’ve decided to only teach Imanuel signs that help him communicate things he wants/needs replacing crying/screaming to get his way.  I also want him to learn polite words to help him learn proper manners.  It’s really been a hit.  I think he just loves the novelty of signing as a form of communication.  It has also amazing relieved a lot of frustration on his end. 

Here are the words he knows in the order he learned them:
– come
– more
– hi/bye
– give to me
– food/eat (it’s the same sign)
– thank you
– all done
– please

Currently, I’m trying to teach him:
– drink
– sleep/sleepy
– I’m sorry (because he’s taken a liking to pulling out Aroe’s fur AND occassionaly hitting Bentley- for fun)
– and something for messy diaper

We made up a couple of the signs (simplified for baby), but for the rest of the words, Imanuel actually learned the words in ASL (American Sign Language).  We didn’t buy a “baby sign” kit.  I use this great website in case I don’t know how to sign the word:

It’s been really amazing to see him eventually initiate communication using his new “language”.  If he gets hungry, he’ll look at one of us and sign “eat” and “more”.   Or most recently, if he’ll be playing and if he needs help, he’ll do the sign for “please” and “more”.  “More” basically goes in every sentence.  Whereas, “thank you” and “please” are the ones I need to remind him the most to say.  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Over all, though, I’m really understanding the challenge of making sure there is “harmonious development of every faculty”- mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual – in Imanuel’s young life.  It seems like along with the success of his signs, his temper starts flaming, or when he’s gotten over a sickness, he suddenly gets super-attached to me.  It’s a juggling act trying to build up every area, especially the weak points.  But, that’s our seemingly impossible job.  My only consolation is that God is able and willing to help us succeed.  As a parent, that means so much.  Well, I’m going to end here.  Good night.         

6 thoughts on “Baby “Talk””

  1. I can just imagine how cute that is! And it’s a very good way (I think) to stimulate language even if he’s not using verbal words yet. Good for you!

  2. You guys are so encouraging to listen to/read about.  It’s amazing how quickly infants catch on to language, isn’t it?  That by itself is a miracle…I’ve been spending time at my sister’s, and thanks to you, I was able to put together their pack-and-play (they had a similar problem where the ends don’t want to snap up all the way, and it looks like Graco just likes things to be done simultaneously…  you should try that), their diaper disposal (not the Genie), their car seat (I taught them all about the Alden Ho way to strap a baby in) and talked to her about all the great baby things I learned from you.  She’s been saying that the kid is being SO active.  And he is!  It feels like a salamander or something trying to get out. 
    Many blessings as you teach Mandoo about True Education…  what a privilege…  you guys are in my prayers, and in my thoughts.  Thanks for being so great.  Miss you guys. 

  3. Wow!  That’s so awesome.  I’m so proud of my nephew.  What a genius!  Tell him “please” Uncle Jukes says “hi” and will “come” “more” to “give me” “food.”  “Thank you.”  “All done dirty diaper.”  He’ll understand what I mean.

  4. that is truly amazing judy. i wish i could see him. jeannie showed me a video clip of him and i got all watery eyed… seriously if i wasnt working/bus all the time…i miss you guys!

  5. The sign language thing is great! I am inspired. (And tired, so it may not go anywhere, but anyway, it’s inspiring!) But trust me, you don’t want to rush him to walk! It is the end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end. You’ll see. (Does that sound ominous enough?)
    Our three are getting to be more and more fun all the time. Anaya talks nonstop (and I do mean nonstop). Seth follows her around and idolizes her, but has begun to discover the power of the fist. (think, hair pull.) Skyler grins gummy grins all day long at anyone who will stop to look him in the face. They’re all so much fun. I am enjoying every stage, and looking forward to the next ones.
    Well, have fun! So when’s the next one coming? 😀

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