Promote Religious Liberty!

We just did this – (clicked one one of the “click here”s that is)-  and it only does takes a minute.  Read below the selected portions of the letter below and I’m sure you’ll be inspired to do the same!


Friends of Freedom:

am writing with excellent news – the Workplace Religious Freedom Act
has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. This vital bill is
necessary to stop the abuse of people of faith in the workplace.

Your Voice

is an excellent opportunity for each of us to raise our voice for religious
liberty by urging our representatives to support this bill.  CLICK HERE to send a letter supporting the Workplace
Religious Freedom Act now.

What is the Workplace Religious Freedom Act, and Why
Should I Care?

increasing number of Sabbath keepers and other people of faith are finding
employers intolerant of religious practices. This isn’t just a hunch,
it is a fact. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
the number of claims involving religious discrimination rose 83% between 1992
and 2006. That is a HUGE increase. Behind the statistics are very real men
and women put in the dreadful position of having to choose between their
faith and their job – people like Mary, a Seventh-day Adventist women who
wrote to me not so long ago.

Mary asked
to leave work a little earlier on Friday evenings during the winter in order
to keep the Sabbath. For reasons he never explained, her employer refused.
Caught between obeying man or obeying God, Mary  made the only
decision a true Christian can make. But when she returned to work on Monday,
her boss fired her on the spot. She struggled to find work quickly because of
her financial commitments to her family, but although she found work as a
substitute teacher, it wasn’t enough to stay ahead of the bills. Soon
she lost her home.  Mary wrote to me from a friend’s
home where she and her son were sleeping on the living room floor.

I get a letter like this it goes straight to my heart. How can this happen in
How can it happen today? But it is, and currently the law is so weak that
employers who demean, demote and fire faithful men and women can do so with
little worry about any consequence.

has to change. The Workplace Religious Freedom Act puts some teeth in our
anti-discrimination laws, and provides an incentive for even the most bigoted
employers to sit down and work out sensible ways to accommodate the sincerely
held faith of employees.

This is our chance to make a stand for liberty of
conscience. Send a letter to your elected representatives by CLICKING HERE. It only takes a minute, and your voice
makes all the difference.

Will My Letter Make Any Difference?

Believe it or not, there are still few things as
influential on Capitol Hill as simple letters from every day people. The best
is a letter in your own words, but second best is a pre-written letter. But
any letter is much better than no letter. By CLICKING HERE, you can send a pre-written letter in about
a minute or you can substitute it with your own letter. Either way, no one
else can do what you can.

How Can I Get Others Involved?

send this e-mail to your family, your friends, your fellow church members. We
need “all hands on deck” to get this vital piece of legislation
passed. Let’s do all we can – to write letters and to encourage
our family, friends and fellow church members to do the same, and let’s
uphold to God this critical effort.


have been working on this bill for five years now. That is a significant
portion of my working life. And yet, to date, this bill has failed to become

All of us need to do our part to uphold our
faithful men and women by raising your voice to your members
of Congress. CLICK HERE and make your stand for religious

God bless you,
James Standish

4 thoughts on “Promote Religious Liberty!”

  1. Good stuff, Ramoses.  I’ve been following the work of the Relig. Lib. group for some time.  Their mission is just so key, knowing the trouble that may be ahead for our world and our nation.  Thank you v. much for sharing this oppty.  I clicked fo’ showa!

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