New Toys for the Boys

Today Imanuel had his 12 month well-baby doctor’s visit.  It was pretty bad.  I’m not going to lie.  He had to get blood work done for lead poisoning (prick on finger to draw blood – it’s a standard test for 12 month check-up), and then he had 4 vaccine shots into his poor, chunky thighs.  He was not a happy camper.  I felt bad for his doctor.  She’s one of our church members, which is super-nice since she doesn’t think we’re crazy for raising our baby vegan.  But I think she felt really bad for the baby.  Anyway, Imanuel got weighed and measured and we were quite pleased that he isn’t as huge as we thought he was.  He is 30 inches long which puts him in the 55th percentile and he weighs 23.6lbs – 70th percentile.  His head circumference is the 55th percentile too. 

Well, after the doctor’s appointment, the baby fell asleep in the car so Israel thought it would be a good idea to drop by the store to kill some time.  We ended coming home with a couple new toys for Israel and Imanuel and lots of food for brunch.  We got a grill for Israel and a little walker truck for Imanuel. 

Israel had been wanting a grill for some time because for those of you who don’t know, Israel LOVES to cook.  It’s actually been such a blessing, because cooking has become one of his passions, so he cooks for me and our guests all the time.  His favorite TV channel (when has time to watch) is Food Network.  At first I thought his TV watching was a waste of time, but Israel actually experiments and tries to cook things he’s learned (modifying things to make them vegetarian/vegan, of course).  For those of you who’ve eaten his food, you know that he’s actually a great cook (-except for Yumi, remember a long time ago – his Asian salad with rice in it?  That was bad!)  He’s gotten a lot better over the years.    Anyway, his favorite chef is Bobby Flay, and for those of you who know who he is, Bobby grills.  So, Israel really insisted that we get a grill because he was sure he’d use it all the time.  After eating today’s brunch, I think it just may have been a great investment.  It was really good…
As for Imanuel’s toy, I just hope he uses and learns how to walk soon!

PS:  The snow is almost all melted!!

Israel’s new grill

On today’s menu was grilled quesadillas and a big grilled sandwich.  Dessert was grilled peaches topped with vanilla soy yogurt. 

Ingredients for the sandwich included: vegan cheese, tomatoes, portobello mushrooms, red bell peppers, red onions, squash, avocados, and some veggie-meat (all grilled) and some herbs & seasonings.

He made his own salsa for the quesadillas using tomatillos, avocados, poblano peppers, vegan sour cream, and some seasonings.  It was very good.

The grilled sandwich on rosemary & olive oil flatbread.

Imanuel walking his new truck

Thanks, Israel for the great meal today, and for all of the great meals you’ve “thrown” together for me in the past!

13 thoughts on “New Toys for the Boys”

  1. Mmm, my mouth is watering. 🙂 hehe, when I read “new toys for the boys” I just assumed you meant Imanuel and Bentley. I should’ve known… ^__^

  2. Wow, that sandwich looks soooo good. With his new toy, Imanuel will be walking independently in no time!Hope all is well up there. Glad to hear the snow’s gone. 🙂

  3. YUM!!! that’s so coolit’s fun to watch the food network while i’m eating hehe.. altho usually what i’m eating is nothing near what i see on the televisionbut somehow it helps my food taste better :)it looks like it’s getting warmer up therei’m sure it’s going to be beautiful in the summertime up there glad to read that you both and baby are doing well!!!

  4. i was going to say ‘yumm’ but jeannie already said it =P ANd I am doing bery, berry well. ooh…lead poisoning can’t be good..hope all of you are welll tooo

  5. Wow~ that looks really really good! The grill is beautiful too 🙂
    I would have prefered this sandwich over the salad with rice on it…the salad was kale salad…
    It had kale, rice, and Korean seaweed on it…with ranch dressing…how can I forget that. Poor baby and his injections…I am glad he got a new toy 🙂 That should make his day! So siked that you still remembered me!

  6. Imanuel does look bigger in the pictures! I keep thinking Andy is a little shrimp! I need to talk to you guys about vaccines. Andy still has yet to get them, if any. email me with your number and I will call, if that’s ok. The food looks amazing. I am sitting here with my mouth watering and wishing I had a wannabe chef in the home!

  7. Judy, thanks for your nice post about my grilling 🙂 Yumi, there was no kale or ranch dressing (it was miso dressing) in the salad you liar! And that salad was so good! 🙂 I don’t know what you guys are talking about!Jill, I’m not a “WANNABE” chef.Fellas, come over this summer so that we can grill!

  8. looks yummy 🙂  wow, Imanuel is getting big!  Oh I think I forgot to tell you what kind of fish I have… it is a betta… pretty hardy little fish.  blessings, Cristy

  9. oh, my, I’m salivating! I’m really impressed with the way the food looks like and I’m sure it was delicious! I didn’t know Israel was a good cook! Good for you, Judy! And the little truck fits IA….nice! Now everyone is happy…..but….what did they get for you, Judy????

  10. You liar! IT WAS KALE! It was rough and tough. How could someone eat raw Kale?
    It was soooo not miso dressing. You don’t own any miso dressing Israel.

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