13 month pics

In the morning (before Israel shaved…)

Bentley telling Imanuel a secret

Imanuel’s newest obsession – the CD player

His first time eating spaghetti.  He scraped his tray clean.

Aunt Staci visited us!  Imanuel was able to rebond with her.  🙂  We took her to the Hungarian Falls which is just 20 minutes away.

Imanuel standing next to one of the many beautiful waterfalls there.

Imanuel got this special present from his Grandma & Grandpa Dube from church.  He likes it a lot!

Imanuel has 8 teeth and I think 2 more on top are coming in. 

His current favorite foods are:
–  Rice
–  Bananas
–  Grapes
–  Pears
–  Pasta
–  Corn
–  Grits (I know, we’re super-confused about this one.)

He currently dislikes the following foods: (which means he drops them on the floor for Bentley to eat)
–  Avocados
–  Green Beans
–  Apples
–  Oatmeal

Imanuel seems to be in denial about his Mexican heritage.  He hated flan, he throws up avocados (-I tried to offer it to him more than once!)…the only thing he has going for him is that he loves bananas. 

On the other hand, he loves rice, tofu, and kim-bop.  We haven’t had him try kim-chee yet.  🙂  About the grits…he downs a bowl every morning for breakfast.  He went on strike against oatmeal so I decided to try grits just for variety.  He really loves it.  He must have some southern blood somewhere in him. 

He’s being more brave about the walking thing, but he’s not quite there yet.  Please join me in prayer about this one!

Israel is down in Dalton, GA for the GYC board of directors meeting.  He’ll be coming back on Monday.  It’s totally his turn to post so hopefully the next one will be by him.  Hope you all have a great weekend.  TGIF!

9 thoughts on “13 month pics”

  1. He’s getting so big. I can’t believe it. I was looking at earlier pictures of him and he barely looks like the same baby! But he’s getting cuter and cuter. And although he looks more Mexican, it seems that he may be more Korean. 🙂 He’s gotta balance it somehow, right?

  2. I don’t blame him for not liking flan–it’s nasty (and I’m Cuban!). I used to hate avocados too, but now they are one of my favorite foods. So just wait, he may become super Mexican one day.

  3. hey judy! that’s so cool that he likes grits (of all things!) and korean food. =) i’ll try my best to cut israels hair this weekend. =) and hopefully i can see u guys in july!

  4. i love love love the pic of bentley sharing a secret with baby… i think you guys should blow it up reallly big. i think he gets the grits thing from me. I LOVE grits! and I love that he loves korean food. ^_^ about the avocado.. it’ll grow on him I’m sure.

  5. that waterfall pic is pretty awesome…and are you sure you want him truly mobile in walking? ha ha, you’re gonna be doing a lotta chasing…hope it’s all good. Maybe I’ll visit sometime in the next year…

  6. yeah, I’d say count your blessings while he’s still crawling…  sooner or later he’ll be moving and shaking everywhere!!! 
    I totally gave you five stars for this post right now.  I can’t believe he’s getting so big.  Ima gonna have go visit again in case he forgets me.  Let him chew on some cows when I’m not there.  (The stuffed variety, not the beef.) 
    The first picture looks like the caption should be that Israel just scuffed Mandoo’s ear with his beard.  Trim that hedge, son.  Watch out…

  7. judy! sorry, i wasn’t able to cut israel’s hair. we were busy, and never found the time to do it. =( i must admit though, he needs a hair cut. he also needed to shave! anyway, wish u were there! we ended up playing ping pong with dr. pipim, adam, linda chung, israel, and myself until 3AM! can u believe? u so would have loved it!

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