New Words

So, the past few weeks, Imanuel has slowly but surely started saying words.  It’s been quite exciting and funny at the same time.  I believe his first official word was “daddy” – (meaning the first word where he was able to use in the correct context).  His second word was “Bentley” which he confidently pronounces “Bet-ty”.  He probably uses that word the most frequently now-a-days.  He says “mama” rarely, but sometimes.  His newest words are “mool” (Korean word for water), “banana” (or more like “nana”), sometimes he says “oo-yoo” (Korean word for milk), and just today, Sebastien taught him how to say “amen”.  It was a proud moment. 
He will roar like a lion too (if that counts for anything).
It’s getting fun because Imanuel is getting into the stage where he will actually try to copy the word you are saying.  He tries to say “Jesus”, but that one’s a little hard for him to pronounce.  He’ll try any word though.  It’s cute.  A lot of words end up sounding very similar to “nana” (or “banana”).  He likes that word…and loves the fruit.
Thanks to Sebastien, Israel is now obsessed with google.  He is as we speak creating his google homepage with his google calendar and google weather and connecting with other people’s google pages.  The very next post you read by him will most likely be about google, just as a heads up.   “It’s ridiculous.  Just ridiculous.  That’s all I gotta say, bro.”  Quote by Israel Ramos on how amazingly awesome google is.
Well, I’m off to bed.  Alanna and Sikhu should be arriving home tonight and so it’ll be nice to see them tomorrow.  G’nite!

14 thoughts on “New Words”

  1. Imanuel’s first “official words,” how awesome is that! If you teach him to say “uncle Steve” as his next words I will pay for his college education 🙂

  2. How exciting! They say that language is tied intimately with memory, so this is about the time that he’ll start to be able to form memories, too! Now I really want to see him!

  3. hehe! so happy and excited for you! i get such a thrill watching my nieces grow… i can’t imagine the joy a MOTHER would feel! that’s just too awesome!!! and i’m so impressed at how he’s speaking korean! at that rate, he’ll have to teach me some! lol. ;Op

  4. yeah for words! how exciting. i was just reading a blog about how kids even get funnier as they mix up their grammar and there going to be any spanish words up in the vocab?israel, not sure if you’ve messed with google docs, but i think that’s truly one of the best things google has put out. check it out bro!

  5. the google epidemic has now spread from ann arbor to the UP, SB is a disease carrier. perhaps “to google” will be Imanuel’s first verb!

  6. hahahha…that’s funny judy. israel was also trying to convert me to amex platinum. =) it’s funny how he gets INTO things. hopefully when i come in july it won’t be too difficult to learn “andy.” =)

  7. hey guys…  man.  I need to make a trip up there soon… 
    I can’t believe daddy was his first word.   I think it was mine too, and I think it has to do with the ease of saying it over who takes care for him more…  (JUST KIDDING, Israel!  Just kidding..  watch out…) 
    As for google, welcome to the epidemic.  I get knocked on from some people because it seems to “destroy the simplicity of the google classic page” but I love it.  FYI, Xanga is doing some cool things with their themes soon; it seems they’re using something similar to the platform google uses. 
    miss you guys.  home sick today.  =(

  8. Israel is trying to convert the whole world to amex platinum. If he was one of their sales reps, we’d be rich by now! Israel claims he is teaching Imanuel spanish…but with no proof from Imanuel to show. During one of Imanuel’s grape crazes, I did manage to get him to say “uvas” a few times. Steve, you know I’ll be working on having him say “Uncle Steve” next! 🙂

  9. Maybe Imanuel’s next word will be Google.
    BTW, Israel needs to convert GYC to amex platform. My boss(es) would be super-happy as they were a little stunned when I told them GYC didn’t take amex last year…

  10. Man…I can’t believe I’m missing all of this. I really need to get up there. But how…?
    (Judy, I think you need to keep IA’s time with Sebastien at a minimum. We don’t need another SB in the world. lol.)

  11. sooo…  i erased your comment on my post by accident.  I thought for sure I had clicked your name since I wanted to visit your site again and comment on the bee-yoo-tiful profile pic of yourn, but I ended up deleting it.  =(  So don’t think I did it purposefully if you notice it gone.  I’m a little…  discombobulated. 
    It makes me so sad to see that I’m so far from the people I want to be near.  I can’t even see my sister’s new baby.  =(  Or Mandoo talking!  =(  Or eat from the Iron Chef Mexico’s grill.  =(   If I keep frowning, my face will freeze that way so I better do somethin’ about it and visit soon!  =)

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