A Sad, Sad Day

The Obituary:
Yesterday, May 2nd, 2007 at approximately noon, Judy found Bentley’s elder brother (right above him), Nehemiah (aka Nemo), our family fish, lifeless on the bottom of his turquoise 2 gallon tank.  The cause of his death is unknown.  He is survived by 3 other pets, Aroe, Chance, and Bentley and of course their owners.

It was Judy and Imanuel’s ritual to feed the fish every day before Imanuel went down for his first nap.  Nemo initially belonged to Israel (-he was a gift from Judy), but Israel gave the fish to Imanuel and the two of them were roommates since we moved up to Houghton.  It was Imanuel’s first fish and will most likely be his last.  Nemo was a good fish and this fall would have been his 3rd year with us.  He was a Betta aka: Japanese
Fighting Fish and was different shades of maroon in color. 

Today Israel will perform the funeral service and Nehemiah will be laid to rest in a porcelain watery grave (and not to raise up to life anew – potentially EVER).  This is the first death in the Ramos immediate household and we are sad, but we trust that even in this, the Lord knew this was the best time for Nemo to go.  

12 thoughts on “A Sad, Sad Day”

  1. Awww… that’s the hard part about having pets! Hopefully Imanuel is still too young to be affected by it! (I remember I cried when my fish died) ;_;It would be fun if Lucy could meet Bentley. I told you she only plays with small dogs, right? Even dogs her own size are too much for her… I think she thinks she’s a tiny dog. 🙂 If you guys ever want to bring Bentley he’s welcome to stay with Lucy!

  2. o my goodness. i am so sad. ya’ll should know that I LOVE fish. and I have 11 koi myself… but Jeannie and I have lost Shirley, Laverne AND Felix…all goldfish (at a very young age) and it was too heartwrenching… so no more for us. I teared when Felix died… oh and when BB died… I wept. seriously… so I can empathize with your loss… poor Nehemiah. Its a good thing baby is still very baby and innocent from the woes of this world.

  3. I just gathered that Nemo and Nehemiah were the same fish.  I am sure he loved hard and lived well in Casa Ramos.  The new family pic is lovely.  Just lovely.

  4. 🙂  awww… Judy… if you get another fish get a Betta they live forever with hardly any feeding… sorry to hear the news :(…  Cristy

  5. hey guys (actually, judy). thanks for the comment. it’s been a long time since we’ve talked or seen each other. life as you already know is going great down here. thanks for the invitation, i plan on taking you up on it too. as soon as i can or maybe i’ll save it for the winter or just come twice:) i’m curious about the there, their, they’re lession though. hope all is well and sorry about the fish i know what it’s like to flush them down too.

  6. that’s okay, judy…it would have been nice to see you and the baby, but better safe than sorry. alanna actually tried to get me to spend the night at the campus house so I could see you guys before you left. but i opted to go home…5 am wouldn’t have been the best time. glad you got back safely. 🙂

  7. hahaha…good thing i didn’t take that fish in.dude…imanuel sounded pretty cute on the phone. let me talk to him…answer your phone jog!!!

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