Catching Up

It’s been a while since we updated our xanga page.  So many things have happened since Memorial Day so hopefully within the next few weeks we’ll find time to include the many memories that we want to remember.  Right now, we have a satellite team of magabookers up here.  Remember to pray for them!  They are a real blessing to us because we’re planning on having an evangelistic series here in October so all of the Bible study interests will be followed up to prepare for that. 

The past couple months have been full of traveling.  We had two weeks that we spent down state for Camp Pitch and MI Campmeeting.  Then we flew from Detroit to California where Israel spoke at CAM.  Imanuel and I went along for fun so we had a nice time spending time with our family over there.  Then we came back, drove back up home for a few days, then drove right back down for CAMPUS leads.  We spent a lot of time traveling so it’s really nice to be back home.  I think the pets think so too.

Bentley has a new friend.  One of our neighbors just got a new puppy and the other day he discovered that Bentley lives next door.  His name is Duncan.  He treks through the couple hundred yards of tall grass that separate us a few times a day to come and visit Bentley.  Bentley’s tick problem (yes, he had a major problem) has seemed to go away ever since we bought a riding lawn mower.  Israel cuts our grass so low to the ground that just about no living thing could live in it.  Our grass almost burned to death were it not for all that rain that came recently.  But at least we don’t have a tick problem anymore. 

Imanuel has become very chatty this past month.  His vocabulary has increased so rapidly that it seems as though every day he picks up a few more words.  His favorites at the moment are “hello”, “ball”, “GOOOOAL!”, “amen”, “apple”, “please”, “thank you”, and “mama”.   Despite all of the caution we’ve been given about him beginning to walk, I personally think it’s so much easier and convenient now!  He is in such a fun stage right now.  He loves to laugh and he’s just so silly.  Anyway, we’ve also begun potty-training so we would like to solicit all of your prayers. 


Right after Petoskey (beginning of June), my older sister, Julie came up to visit with us for a couple weeks.  She skipped out on her med school graduation to come to Michigan.  So, as her graduation present for becoming a doctor, she cleaned/rearranged/organized our entire house.  No kidding, it was her idea!  I felt like we were on TLC’s show “Clean Sweep”.  Our house is so clean and organized.  I don’t know why she decided to become a doctor.    Imanuel really took to her and learned many new things.  He invented his own sign for “smoothie”, he learned to say “imo”, he learned how to tell Bentley to “shhh” when he barks, and he learned how to lick his fingers after eating.  We were able to take her to a couple nice scenic UP places as you’ll see in the pictures.  But it was fun just hanging out and relaxing (when we weren’t cleaning or rearranging furniture).  Here are some pics from her visit:

Hopefully there will be more to come in the near future…

6 thoughts on “Catching Up”

  1. so you ceremonially removed the bowels of the purple cow, huh.  Well, since Israel caused you to stumble, maybe he can have your next child.  hahahahaha…. 
    ahem.  anyway…  I miss you guys and I hope you guys get settled.  I’m glad you’re happy with your newly clean-swept home and I’m unspeakable grateful for how you’ve clean-swept my home while you were here.  I don’t know where I’d be at the moment….  actually, I do know where I’d be: not packed at all and wallowing on the floor in self-pity.  =) 
    I’ll need to find some way to see you guys again.  btw, principal claims that there are NO PETS ALLOWED in the apartments.  I’m going to have to move if I want a pup.  =(   Anyway.  So sad.  See my angry cow picture?  You’re the first ones to see the picture!  AND, the udders are censored!

  2. hey judy!it’s been a while! anyways, hope everything is going well! i really really want to visit you guys soon. perhaps one of these days…also, i will be sure to keep the evangelistic crusade in prayer!

  3. my i can totally imagine what he will look like when he gets exciting! but he is growing up too fast… tell him auntie liz would like him to stay itty bitty for a little longer… he probably outgrew his hat and gloves huh?jin jja roo!

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