Imanuel’s First Buzz Cut

A few weeks ago, we gave Imanuel his first haircut with clippers.  Surprisingly, he thought it was fun.  🙂  Anyhow, here are some pictures from before and after.  The first pictures are from early June and the last ones are from just a few days ago. 

Hiding between the couches

A rare picture of all our pets together (and Imanuel’s head).

Imanuel stuffing his face with grapes.  He’s been on a grape kick for a few months now.  I’ve resorted to washing a bunch at a time so I can just pull them out.  Even now as he’s looking at these pictures, he keeps saying, “UVAS!  UVAS!”

Notice the nappy hair

Israel in his new office in the basement

After the haircut!

Imanuel loves sitting in the front seat and pretending to drive.

Israel got a trim too.

This picture looks so funny to me…I don’t know if it’s because his head looks so round and chubby.

In this picture, he’s saying, “open!  please!” and I kept taking pictures of him.  Israel’s glasses case has become one of his new favorite toys.  And, check out his farmer’s tan on his arm. 

It’s so fun to see how Imanuel tries to utilize all of his words and signs to communicate.  Just today, I was on the computer and Imanuel comes over to me and says, “Mama…mama…(he points at Bentley)…bba bba (which is his word for food)…uvas…uvas”.  I didn’t get what he was saying at first, but then when I went over to Bentley (he pulled my hand over to him), I realized that Bentley had stolen one of Imanuel’s grapes and was trying to eat it.   Both Bentley and Imanuel are fierce defenders of their own food.  (Of course for Imanuel, it has to be food that he likes.)

His newest phrase that we’re trying to teach him is “no, thank you”.  He started saying “no” recently and he already knew how to say “thank you”.  Finally after a couple weeks, he’ll now say “no! … thank you!”  when he doesn’t want something (like a certain type of food etc.)  But, he’s learned to use that phrase on other aspects too.  For example, I’ll tell him that it’s time for a nap and he’ll say, “no! …thank you!”.  But thankfully, he’s quite compliant still. 

Copy-cat.  Imanuel is starting to try to discipline Bentley like we do.  If Bentley puts his paws on the table, he’ll tell him “Down!”  Or if he’s trying to get at some food in Imanuel’s hand, Imanuel will say, “No, no no!” while shaking his finger at him.  When Bentley is bullying the cats, Imanuel will bring it to our attention by saying “Bentley” and pointing.  And, whenever Bentley’s food bowl is empty, he’ll bring it to me and say, “Bba bba”.  He’ll then come with me to put more food in his bowl and he wants to be the one to carry it back to where Bentley eats.  It’s crazy to see the transition to where now Imanuel feels dominant over Bentley even though Bentley is so much stronger and older than he is. 

Anyhow, life is exciting.  Except for the weather.  We don’t have AC and last week we almost melted.  I never thought I’d say this, especially living up near the arctic circle, but I can’t wait for the weather to cool down!

8 thoughts on “Imanuel’s First Buzz Cut”

  1. ohmuhnarse.  he is getting so smart!  and he looks cute with that haircut… 
    I moved out last week, Sunday morning.  I don’t remember when I called you, but I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for a while after.  I’m finally settled (temporarily, at my sister’s place, which means I’ll have to move again) and it’s nice to spend time with her baby.  I’m trying to teach him “Imo” but given that he’s only 3 months (barely) progress is slow. 
    And as for the AC, there is a solution for that, you know.  It’s called Target.  You can at least get an oscillating fan for 20 bucks.  I do want to see the fruity pebbly trees someday. 

  2. mandoo is growing up to be such a handsome boy! cute cute cute!! thanks for updating ~ glad to hear you guys are doing well… minus the melting part 🙂

  3. hey guys,wow, with all that goes on over there, who needs a TV?? judy, you make all the dynamics sound so interesting, as if i’m watching a sitcom or something. =) i’m almost looking forward to the next posting like i used to look forward to seinfeld. ok, maybe i’m exaggerating just a little bit. =) anyways, i’m finally moving out from collegedale. which reminds me, i better get back to packing!

  4. hahahahthat picture makes me laugh too…i think its because you can’t tell whether he’s grinning or grimacing. CATS ARE GROSS. btw.

  5. hey judy! haha! sounds like you are having fun! the more i look around me, the more i feel that mothers are the ones that are really “living”. you really bring out the wonderful joys of life! :O)
    i wanted to visit you guys when kelly went up, but all these random things started popping up and so i missed the trip. :O(  i really want to take some time out someday though…
    anyways… wish you many blessings from above!

  6. looking good… both imanuel AND israel. where are the pics of judy? sounds like he’s growing up to have a very gentle character, must be a paternal trait. hehe.

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