Tell the World. Tell Them Now.

That is the ASI National Convention theme.  And I’m taking it seriously.  We are thrilled to announce the soon-to-be fourth member of our family.  Let’s pray for him.  He’s coming in November. 

PS:  We were conducting an experiment to see how long we could keep this news a secret.  But ASI has forced us to disclose this information.  So, we are telling the world, and telling them now. 

10 thoughts on “Tell the World. Tell Them Now.”

  1. congratulations, guys.  I’m glad the beans are finally spilled.  As always, praying for you guys.  Hope you’re well even though the distance between us has been stretched (I know it could be hard to deal with.) 

  2. judy and israel! i am sooooo happy for you!you’ve made my day with the news~ thanks for sharing we will be praying for the newest ramos 🙂

  3. I just want to know how Bentley, Aero and Chance feel about all this.. it wasn’t long when they used to be the only ones to get all your affection, attention, sleep and money, and now… they are not even counted as members of the family! I do feel for them, but let’s get to the topic at hand….C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to all of you love, Mendezes

  4. The grammar guru in me is confused as to whether “he” was used specific to the sex of baby, as now discovered, or in the neutral sense, like the Bible often uses…I’m assuming its the former. YAAAAY. Immanuel was so perfect that God thought, let’s have another slice of perfection on earth!

  5. thanks for keeping me in the loop!  🙂  The Lord must really love you to bless you with two boys.  Now, just one more and you’ll have a basketball team!

  6. you know, it’s so funny. I was thinking to myself the other day (after reading your last post), “I wonder when they are going to have another one…” Lo and behold…and a son again ðŸ™‚ Judy, you are going to have your hands full, literally 🙂

  7. jeannie actually screamed while i was in the bathroom washing up…and then i screamed! congrats congrats you guys!what a tremendous blessing… a family of boys… i can feel how thrilled israel must be.lucky little mandoo gets a little bro. yay!

  8. Hey Judy! That’s exciting! I do hope you someday get the joy of knowing what it’s like to raise a girl…I haven’t done it yet, but my mom says it’s a little easier than boys…haha…congratulations! I’ll be praying for all of you! ~Jessi

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