3ABN Today Live

On Thursday night, I (and two others: Royce & Taylor) had a two-hour live interview at 3ABN.  It was pretty fun. 

Since most of you will not watch it (and those who do will get the edited version), I’ll let you know some highlights. 

1.  I confessed to pirate other preacher’s sermons!

I was trying to prove that the power was in the word and not in the preacher.  So I confessed that I had…you konw, used other people’s materials (there’s not copyright on truth!).  And I told the audience that my churches thought some of my presentations were powerful (usually the ones that aren’t my own).  Today at church, several of my church members said “Nice interview, pastor”.  Didn’t realize so many of them would be watching (I didn’t tell them I was going to be on).

2.  I tried to call out Yamil and I cracked up on TV and couldn’t finish my thought.

There was a Q&A part and people were sending in emails and calling in.  Yamil tried to be sneaky, sneaky.  But I knew that one of the questions (regarding networking opportunities) was from him.  My answer to the question started off “I have a friend named Yamil…”  The camera was focused on me, so no one knew that everyone on the set was laughing.  I couldn’t hold it in.  I put my head down, paused, and tried to regain my composure.  I don’t think I’ll ever get invited again.

3.  We all shared the same cup of water.

Out of the three of us being interviewed, I was the only one who got a cup of water by my chair.  During one of the musical presentations, I got a drink and told the guys they could get a sip.  When we were back on the air, Taylor tried to be smooth and kept on “sneaking” sips out of my cup.  It was hard to hold in the laughter…but I’m pretty strong.

4.  We fumbled with the web addresses.

Towards the end of the interview, they put the web addresses up.  The camera people put them up as supers while each of us were talking about our ministry.  But we were talking so fast (and short) that by the time the super was up, the next person was talking.  You had to see it.

5.  C.A. Murphy (interviewer) called Royce & Taylor my sons (and their parents were watching); I tried to disown them; a viewer emailed in and made me re-adopt them!

At first, he called me their mother.  I think he meant that GYC was the mother.  But it sounded like he was saying I was the mother.  So I said I was the father.  But I shouldn’t have said that…cuz I’m not their father!  And so when I realized that I had just made myself their father, I tried to say that I wasn’t their father.  And then a viewer from I don’t know where gave some nice comments that ended up being like a gentle rebuke. 

6.  I made Al look bad (but not on purpose).

They asked me a logistical question that I didn’t have the answer to.  So I said that my logisitic people didn’t keep me up to date on that one…but it came out a little wrong.  I tried to correct it, Al.  But I’m not sure how good of a job I did.  I may have ruined your reputation for life.  But don’t worry, if you want to come out on TV, you and I can start our own…4ABN (it’ll feature people who have been banned for life from 3ABN). 

The interview turned out nice.  But these were the bloopers that will be taken out so I thought I’d keep you informed. 


6 thoughts on “3ABN Today Live”

  1. I got to see only the second half, but it was good. Hey, you haven’t seen anything. You ought to see some of the 3ABN bloopers I’ve seen…. I’m sure they’ll invite you back.

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