While We Were Out…

It’s been a long time since we last posted so I figured now would be a good time to catch up on what’s been happening.  Imanuel turned 18 months earlier this month and the baby turned -2 months (meaning that in 2 months, he will officially be 0 – aka: born).  The weather is getting chilly up here and the leaves have begun changing colors which is nice.  We were able to spend a lot of time outside especially in our backyard.  Imanuel loves going outside and eating our apples from the trees. 

Some of his favorite words/phrases now are: 
crocodile, apricot, pasas (raisins), Uncle Bjorn, outside, gone, pray, (za)patos (shoes), and again
He can also repeat prayers after us which is exciting.   “Amen” is his favorite part though. 

As for the little one, he can pretty much just swim around and occasionally gets the hiccups.

The pets are also loving it outside although we have been more cautious about letting them out since we spotted a few coyotes hanging out in the tall grass behind the apple trees.  A couple Sabbaths ago, Israel let Bentley out in the morning and he ran straight for the backyard barking.  Israel thought it was a deer (bc he loves chasing deer), but he saw a couple coyotes back there.  They obviously didn’t run away from Bentley and crouched low instead.  To cut the drama, Israel had to run out there with a broom and start yelling to scare them away (and save Bentley’s life).  The next morning, they were out there again and we obviously didn’t let the pets out.  We haven’t spotted them since so hopefully they were so traumatized by Israel’s waving broom that they decided going after our pets wasn’t worth it.  (They eat dogs and cats, you know.) 

We just back from England a couple days ago.  It was a nice trip but I wish it would have been a little longer.  Israel spoke at the Adventist Student Association’s Student Weekend with Eugene Prewitt.  It was so nice and refreshing to see/hear Eugene speak!  Anyway, we stayed with the Hushes and we fell in love with them!  They are such incredible people.  They have a 5 year old son named Adriel, a 2 year old named Lea (pronounced LAY-uh), and a newborn that was only a couple weeks!  His name is Lukas.  They also have a Jack Russell Terrier who is a sweet-heart.  Her name is Katie.  Anyway, very kind and godly people.  We really enjoyed spending time with them.  They took us around sight-seeing for the one day we had off.  If you could just imagine what it was like with the 4 kids, us 4 parents, another couple (Manjit and Emma), and the dog, Katie, all in one mini-bus for an all day trip…it was crazy, but fun.  They lost my luggage from the flight over, (which is still lost now BTW), so that was a pain.  Anyhow, it’s nice to be back home though.  Traveling when you’re so pregnant isn’t the most comfortable thing.  It was definitely worth it though.  It was my first time in Europe.

Okay, I think that’s enough updating for now.  I’ll post some pictures up (which is probably what people want to see the most anyway).  God has been good to us as always even through the good times and the seemingly bad. 

PS:  What’s with the Facebook boom?  I’m feeling the pressure to join…

In our backyard

(I decided to swallow my pride and include a picture of me.)

At the park

Walking by the canal

Israel’s first baptism :  Lindsey Sutton on August 11, 2007

Eugene Prewitt preaching on Sabbath in Birmingham, England

Israel & Imanuel in John Wycliffe’s church

And right next to this….

By the decree of
the Council of Constance, more than forty years after his death his bones were
exhumed and publicly burned, and the ashes were thrown into a neighboring
brook. “This brook,” says
an old writer,
“hath conveyed his ashes into Avon, Avon into Severn, Severn into the narrow
seas, they into the main ocean. And thus the ashes of Wycliffe are the emblem
of his doctrine, which now is dispersed all the world over.”– T. Fuller,
Church History of Britain, b. 4, sec. 2, par. 54. Little did his enemies
realize the significance of their malicious act. – GC – the chapter on John Wycliffe.

This was that stream where they dispersed his ashes.

Checking out Robin Hood’s old stomping grounds…

The oak trees are almost 1,000 years old.  They were huge.  Supposedly Robin Hood hid in the trunk of this one.

Pastor Hush and Adriel

We visited Oxford and also did some shopping there.

Aren’t they adorable?  With their english accents, they were even cuter!

A picture I snuck early one morning.  Imanuel slept in the bed with us one night there.  🙂 

This last picture epitomizes our trip.  We suffered from jetlag and right when we were adjusting, we headed back home.  We’re adjusting well now, though.  Wow, this was a long post.  I’m hungry.

19 thoughts on “While We Were Out…”

  1. Maaaaan! I miss you guys soooooo much, and all I wanna do is go up there. But alas…no transportation or money. 🙁 I guess xanga will have to suffice for now. The pictures are great. I really can’t believe how much Imanuel is maturing. Sooo cute. And contrary to what you may think, Judy…you look great. Seriously. Miss you all…love you all…and blessings to you all!

  2. It is so good to “hear” your voice, Judy, and to see your adorableness. You look like a professional mother, able to twirl tots, gestate fetuses, and wear an outfit that looks good that just has no clue. I’m moved by the picture of Israel’s first baptism. It must be a v. powerful experience for both the baptismal candidate and the celebrant. That’s the Catholic in me, all moved by sacraments 🙂 You have to worry about coyotes in your backyard. Even though that’s no comfort at all, I relish the fact that we’ll be raising our kid in the finest ghetto of Boston. There may be thugs out the back door, but there are no coyotes.

  3. lovely pictures and great post. Sorry to hear about your luggage.Kerri is even sorrier because she can only imagine what it would be like to be without your maternity clothes. :-oMy favorites are Imanuel biting his apple, IR and Imanuel walking and your photo with Imanuel.You look great and we can’t wait for the -2 to become 0 so we can meet Danielito (it is now officially -1 months for Kerri).

  4. hey guys.  happy Sabbath.  miss you guys so much i can’t even say.  i would come up in a heartbeat, you know it…
    that baptism…  man.  it was powerful for me to think about it. 
    i miss Mandoo too.  you guys should come visit.  I will do yummy things to you.  and Judy it’s ok if you forget me.  I will still love you.  😉

  5. thanks for the update! i love that picture of you judy! i really think you look greatand that last picture of mandoo cracks me up.. SO CUTE!i love europe… i love travel. period. i’m glad you got to enjoy it :)hope i get to see you guys sooner than later ~ happy Sabbath!

  6. Oh, we have coyotes here, too, and one of the tiny chihuahuas (Coco) in the neighborhood got snatched up when he went out at night! Luckily his owner was brave and ran after them and the coyote just gave up and dropped the poor thing. Coco was traumatized for a while but he’s fine now. 🙂 And what IS up with facebook? Everyone keeps telling me to join, too… is it that great?

  7. Wow, seeing pictures of John Wycliffe’s church just brought back a slew of memories. I remember it vividly…and the stream…I promise, though, that those drums were NOT there back in the winter of 2003, as I remember no fit being thrown by the Hartlanders which definitely WOULD have thrown had its presence been evident. ^.^Sounds like you all had a wonderful time! Immanuel took a hearty chunk out of that apple, it seems. ^.^ So cute!

  8. Aaahh… England. So you met Manjit and Emma too. They took my parents and me around to sight-see Reformation sites when we were there last summer and we hung out with the Hush family on Sabbath. Adriel and Lea are soooo cute! (And don’t you love the pronounciation of Lea’s name?!)
    Adriel taught us the REAL words to “Zacchaeus was a wee little man” while we were there. At the end of the song, it is NOT “For I’m going to your house today” but rather, “For I’m going to your house for tea.” TOO CUTE! My mom and I loved those kids.
    Judy, you look great! Sweet pics of everyone.

  9. “I decided to swallow my pride and include a picture of me…(Judy)” Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth! 🙂 hahahha. Good to hear from you guys… Welcome back Ramoses! Hey btw, I’m a little closer to you guys (I think), I’m at Andrews. Hope to visit soon.

  10. hi, there Judy,…..ah, and Israel. I was just thinking about you, Judy. How are you feeling? I really hope all will go well with the delivery.They all say it’s easier the second time. And you loook great in the picture. I can hardly wait to see number 2 boy ;). Anyway, blessings to you all. D.

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