The Shepherdess

A couple days ago, as I was letting the dog in, I glanced across the street to the large open field that’s there and I thought I saw sheep running through the field.  And then, as I looked more closely, I realized that there WERE sheep running through the field, and a sheep dog herding them, and a shepherdess making whistling calls.  Yesterday, they were there again, except this time they were almost directly across the street from us.  So, naturally, Stephanie and I walked over there to see what was going on.  The shepherdess is actually a dog trainer too and she was traning her 3 border collies for a competition that they’d be participating in in Wisconsin this weekend.  It was so crazy!  She had 6 sheep and both the sheep and her dogs would obey her as she would whistle different commands.  Israel and Imanuel joined us right when Imanuel woke up from his nap.  It was such a nice outing!

We found out that the lady owns a kennel that’s fairly close by and trains other dogs…so we might have her give Bentley a few training sessions.  🙂

2 thoughts on “The Shepherdess”

  1. hey Jude.  Happy belated birthday.  It would be a great treat if Bentley would follow the orders of the ‘pack leaders.’  (Can you tell I”ve been watching the Dog Whisperer?)  Hope your day was great.  Miss you.

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