Growing Pains

It’s been at least a couple months now since Imanuel has been complaining about pain in his legs.  Particularly his knee.  It would always be after I put him down for bed in the evening.  He would come out and start crying and saying that he hurt his knee.  But whenever I asked him if he bumped it somewhere, he’d say “no”.  It just hurt.  The first couple weeks of this, I thought it was a ploy to get himself out of going to bed.  So, I didn’t have much mercy and would just make him go to bed.  He would cry and cry.  After it kept reoccuring (-it wouldn’t hurt for several days in between), I began to think and pray. 

Then the Lord brought to my remembrance a short conversation that we had had with our realtor, Kristen, when we first began trying to sell our house 3 years ago.  She mentioned that her son was going through growing pains.  At first I didn’t know what this meant.  I thought maybe she was saying that he was going through a rough phase emotionally in his life.  But she went on to say that she had been massaging his legs every night because they really are bothering him.  That’s when I exclaimed, “Growing pains are real?!  Like a literal, physical pain from growing?” 

I never knew that before.  Anyway, I’m glad we had that short conversation because I believe that is what Imanuel is/has been going through.  I did some research online and his symptoms from the unexplained leg/knee pain usually in the evening or at night, and the fact that he fits the age categories of 3, 5, or 8 years, all point to this.  I read that this happens to about 30% of all kids.  How lucky of Imanuel to be a part of this elite group!  From time to time, he will wake up in the middle of the night and just start crying/whimpering.  Then, it will get worse and worse until he opens the door and starts yelling for me and saying that his knees hurt.  So far the best thing that has helped ease his pain is massaging and putting a heat pack.  I’m not sure what else could work.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

So, now I know that “growing pains” is not only the name of a great TV show from back in the day, nor is it an expression used for drama during adolescence, it is a real pain that Imanuel is unfortunately going through!  Pray for us!


6 thoughts on “Growing Pains”

  1. that’s neat.  “elite group,” huh.  that’s even neater.  enough to make me wish I had growing pains.  except the pain in my knee is probably just arthritis…  sigh.  isn’t it cool how God brings back these conversations?  sometimes He just inspires me and I totally know it’s Him because it was totally just inspiration.  He astounds me at His perfect timing… I don’t think I got growing pains.  I always just paralleled it with spiritual growth. the growth pains.  but those are very real too, I guess.  =)  

  2. @jensa07 – well, after hearing some responses from people, it looks more like as opposed to kids being a part of an elite group, it’s more like a (calcium) deficient group of kids!  i’ll let you know what happens.  oh, and i’m sure there is a very real parallel between physical and spiritual growing pains!  the answer…supplements!  🙂 

  3. @rAmOsEs – ha!  elite group of calcium-deficient-ites.  hey, science can say what it will, but maybe manu will grow strong and healthy after a little while of pain.  =)   Supplements, massages, hot water baths…  what is a spiritual hot water bath?  doesn’t sound really appealing, actually.  reminds me of being in the crucible or something.  I think my parents helped my brother stretch.  I might be making this up.  the last time i thought i was making something up, i was totally on point.  not that that means anything, but that’s my story and i’m sticking to it.  =)

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